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Gina Dalfonzo
Recent Activity
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In Praise of Wreckless and Wanton Book-Buying
For all of you like me who can't bring yourself to walk by a bookstore or browse an on-line catalog without buying at least something, and who also know good and well that you aren't going to read everything you buy, at least right now, here's an anecdote from the life of Umberto Eco that shoul...
Just heard the news tonight. I'm keeping all of you in my prayers. God bless and strengthen you all.
#4 and boy is it good news!
How marvelous our Heavenly Father is in such hard times! This might be my last post on my dad's blog because...drum roll please- HE'S HOME! Yes, I know, it's amazing. He's home and here to least till another surgery. Yesterday he was drinking a lot of liquids and ice cream. He had ...
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