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Sara J Chipps
Recent Activity
Wanted to write about the Hack Weekend we had here in NYC a month-or-so ago, it was my first time putting one together, and I thought it would be good to share wisdom. My reason for putting the weekend together was selfish, I wanted to learn more about hardware hacking.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2013 at Sara J Chipps
Posted Dec 29, 2012 at Style
Lyecies, Thanks for sharing that great article. Reference corrected!!
This blog post has been in the corners of my mind and nipping at my ankles for a while. Please don't linkbait this, or pick comment fights. This isn't for upvotes, or HN fame. Many people I meet ask me a varient on this question "I understand we want more... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
Last week I had the privilege of traveling to the Dominican Republic with the organization Handfuls of Hope. We went down to bring food, clothing, and care to some of the poorest villages about an hour outside of Santo Domingo. We also built a roof, and did a lot of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
Last week I had the privilege of traveling to the Dominican Republic with the organization Handfuls of Hope. We went down to bring food, clothing, and care to some of the poorest villages about an hour outside of Santo Domingo. We also built a roof, and did a lot of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
If you have met me in person you know that I tend to wear traditionally girly clothing. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, headbands and the like. I have, like, four Zuckerburg costumes. Jeans, sneakers, teeshirt, sometimes hoodies. I never wore them unless I was going to a developer conference or a user... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
Fluentconf was great for quite a few reasons, the first being that I love SF, the second being that I had such an amazing time with the people there. It's rare that you get to be around so many people like yourself, and to break off with people you admire... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
Today was the end of the first iteration for the new product team here at Levo League. We think it's super important to thank, not only the developers, but also the people building the business that makes this team necessary. We all got together as a company (champagne optional) and... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
The last thing I wanted was a job. I've been independent for almost 5 years and I've loved the freedom of working with startups and taking small projects here and there while building things on my own. It has been super rewarding. I started working with the Levo League a... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
This is a blog post that ended up getting published in Fast Company! Read Here Enjoy. See you at Fluent JS and NDC! Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
Hey all, I wrote about the 1/18 blackout protest for SOPA/PIPA and why I'm participating here. Now there is a super easy way for you to participate, even if you aren't a developer. Drop the following code in between your two <HEAD></HEAD> tags on your site, your users will be... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
There are few things in this world I would get beaten in the streets for. You never see a people really stand up to their government without seeing people getting beaten in the streets (we saw some of that late last year). The internet is one of those things. I'm... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2012 at Sara J Chipps
What I'm more saying, is that making proprietary JavaScript is kind of like pissing into the wind. It doesn't do you much good.
About 3 years ago, I launched my first product. I built it with two fabulous partners, who continue to produce awesome things. It was a little app, and a tool I thought made for better web. It is no longer online, due to costs, it was a URL aggregator called... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2011 at Sara J Chipps
I have a friend/client that is using a customized version of Diaspora to host a community and allow them to engage with each other. We have made some changes, in order to better serve our community. I'm not a Ruby developer, myself. Some of this stuff may be obvious to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2011 at Sara J Chipps
Matthew, tomorrow morning I will fix this. I love this story, thank you SO MUCH!!! Do you have a twitter ID?
Toggle Commented Nov 3, 2011 on Developers and Professionalism at Sara J Chipps
@Matthew - did you write that story?
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2011 on Developers and Professionalism at Sara J Chipps
@Swizec Agreed! I def still work many weekends/nights/always. I'm not saying that's not professional. It was just funny how the manager looked at it.
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2011 on Developers and Professionalism at Sara J Chipps
UPDATE: Please notice, the author of the story shared is actually Matthew Heusser, this is what I get for not confirming before posting. Thank you, Matthew, for sharing your story!! I'm a developer, and inasmuch I am proud of the fact that I rarely wear pants. As I write this... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at Sara J Chipps
@Jon kind of, you are hinting at where my next post is going. :) I agree about the heaviness and enterpriseyness in many serverside languages, however, Ruby, Python, and a few others still have my trust that they intend to produce what's best for the web.
@Chris - Mostly what bothered me is the decisions that didn't make sense, and the pandering to corporations. Visual Studio is such a beast, full of all these fancy acronyms, when really all we need is something that allows me to edit and loads under 5 minutes. The tools are created as an abstraction from the lowest level of development, purportedly to make things "easy" but they encourage poor practices. IMO, Microsoft is not the only offender here. I'm doing some Cocoa development for a personal project currently, and while much faster XCode is also a beast.
This blog post has been a long time coming. I initially started doing web development using ASP.NET and C#. I was honored to be given MVP distinction by Microsoft for the years of 2010 and 2011. I wanted to wait until that had expired before commenting on my departure from... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2011 at Sara J Chipps
There's this guy, his name was Terry Fox. When he was 18 he learned he had bone cancer, so he proceeded to run a marathon a day for 143 days depite losing his right leg. I find stories like that incredible, and every year people run in his memory (a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2011 at Sara J Chipps