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Mar 15, 2010
I am so serious that I'm going to send you a note, because I know continuing blog conversations are very easy to forget.
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2009 on I usually hate January, but... at Rarely Likable
1 reply
I spent much of last night bitching about the subject of this post in IM, and then eventually realizing I should just throw it on the blog. By the time the PANK announcement came out, I was too tired to do much more than like it on FB. Will be fixing that before the day is over! Of course, now I'm so tempted to write about how I'm pissed off, I almost wish I WAS.
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Jessie: I did it, too -- and for some of the same reasons, I think. I'm tempted sometimes to do it again. Instead, I take short breaks where I try to pretend to be a normal person. Jason: My pleasure. It's a great story.
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2009 on Octolinkbucket at Rarely Likable
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Jessie: I am starting to call it The Rope and Helicopter Game. Laura: Alliance! I go where my friends go. Which right now is Aion, actually. I want my character's boots in real life.
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It's such a likable show. I like the British original, too, but for very different reasons -- and the theme song is also totally different.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2009 on 31 Years Ago at Rarely Likable
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I'm not sure I've ever written anything that would pass the Bechdel test, but that's not for the same reasons the test implies. Makes it very tempting for a prompt...
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Should've added that comments would likely fill up with ones I inadvertently Knee-Jerk:
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on Magazine Rack at Rarely Likable
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There was some fuss about the subtitles when the DVD first came out -- the translation was lousy, it was like reading a board book, something like that. If that's been fixed, I know what I'm doing in the next couple of days. Also: Left 4 Dead is so much fun. Can you play as an infected on Xbox? That's almost a whole different game, right there. RELOADING!
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I met Kyle very briefly at AWP and he's just so...nice! You did such an excellent job of expanding on a seemingly universal impression, I had to link it.
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Absolutely. But if you end up getting it, you have to explain it to me.
Toggle Commented May 23, 2009 on Like today, for example. at Rarely Likable
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Oh hell, yes. This list currently has many grave omissions.
Toggle Commented May 5, 2009 on Short Story Mixtape I at Rarely Likable
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Had you already slated for inclusion -- thanks for the reminder, though. Also, thanks for today's entertainment. I wish they made fake popcorn to go with fake flame wars.
Toggle Commented Mar 26, 2009 on Maintenance at Rarely Likable
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I was a bit surprised my post went this long without a response, even though I tried very hard to avoid OH NOES TEH POOR WRITERZ. So hello, and thanks for stopping by. If #queryfail provided individualized access to agents that isn't normally available -- I don't subscribe to @ returns because then I'd have to reload every 30 seconds -- then I retract any inference I made about its inherent uselessness. But I have to continue to disagree with you about the uselessness of an #agentfail. Anonymous, linked in my post, provides some very reasonable examples of potential #agentfail entries. Why does the learning street only run one way? Perhaps #agentfail would not be referring to the agents who are well-liked in the Twitter universe, but is anyone saying #queryfail refers to the writers who are competent? The uncool kids asked for #queryfail? If so, I'd like to see a link to that effect -- I haven't yet. And something tells me that you aren't an uncool #queryfail kid. Your comment here suggests you can write your way out of a paper bag, and I don't remember seeing much of that the other day.
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In a couple of weeks, TNR will be furthering two scoreboards.
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2009 on AWP Wrapup Linkbucket at Rarely Likable
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I've talked with more MFA graduates in the last couple of years than I did in the ten previous. I'm thoroughly convinced there's a season's worth of talk show in Things That MFA Students Didn't Feel Like They Could Talk About Until After They're Out. I always envision Tyra Banks as the host, but that's just my demented imagination at work...
Toggle Commented Jan 2, 2009 on Last year's linkbucket at Rarely Likable
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Damage control attempt: Lamer than spending all day finding your videos on YouTube and having them removed, which I suspect is what he does when he's not knocking on doors.
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It KILLS me that you don't really watch the show. It's just so *you*, and there are so many people where it's not *them*, and they watch it. Wow, that was an English major sentence....
Toggle Commented Jan 4, 2006 on Quasiresolutions at Rarely Likable
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