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Eve-Athena Pallas
Portland, Oregon
I try to live Logically with Awareness in all things.
Interests: food, nutrition, information, logic, green lifestyle, raw food, health
Recent Activity
Lies The TV Tells Us: Cholesterol, Fat, and Animal Protein
A small examination of the documentaries "Fat Head" and "Super Size Me." Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2011 at Goddess Living
"Detox": What It Really Means, Part 1
People talk about "detoxing" all the time. They say they're going on a "detox diet" or that they're "detoxing from the week." Sometimes, all this really means is that they're going to unwind from a stressful week. Other times, it means they're going to adjust their diet (no Arby's or... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2011 at Goddess Living
It's possible that it's just the result of a different place in America. After all, Brian's still the youngest person he knows at Nike, and he works with a lot more men than women, and not a one of them who have wives or long-term girlfriends (upwards of 5 years) have wives who make anything for them. In fact, some of ones who are most envious of his packed lunches are the older men, who are in their 40s, who wish that their wives did things like that for them.
And again, location is probably a larger factor than anything. After all, my friend Staci is our age, and has been married for six months now...and she's one of the most newly married of her friend group in Kansas. Doing domestic things, or being part of a newly married family is considered very normal and ordinary for our age group.
And in places like here, it's a lot more common for people to have "girlfriends" of 5+ years, or "committed partner" of 10+ years, without being married in a formal ceremony. I'm still shockingly the most "domestic" of the female partners, though I'm quite possibly the most dedicated feminist. XD That's how I roll.
The Transition To Raw Foods: Why It Seems Harder Than It Is
One of the purposes of this blog is to help bridge a gap that I have perceived over the past two months, as well as my adult life. Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Raw Food-ism have all become linked with a certain type of lifestyle, a certain type of person. That person is a source of mocking in o...
Yeah, it's definitely a product of a different mentality. But, then again, there is incredible social pressure in Asian cultures for women to be VERY thin. So, even with the traditional background in creating space/color/contrast/etc, it's very likely that a motivation is to make it look like LESS food, a desirable trait for a constantly dieting woman.
I've seen the new pyramid. I think that it's a better step in the right direction, as opposed to the older model, but I still think that it is far too heavily influenced by industries such as dairy production, and grain production. After all, it basically says that you NEED to eat pasta/rice/bread on a daily basis. They often use the argument of carbohydrates as fuel for the body, but the reality is (as anyone who ever went on that one No Carbs diet knows) that most food has carbohydrates in it. Food that isn't made of grain. *shrug* So, in my opinion, until the Food Pyramid starts grouping by nutrients, rather than categories like Fruit/Vegetable/Meat&Bean/Milk, it will never be a really honest evaluation of food.
Getting Off The Meat, One Step At A Time
We've heard the old standbys several times already about red meat vs poultry vs fish. Red meat is sin; poultry is okay; fish is best. But, the thing that this supposes is that meat, in terms of animal protein, is inherently good for us. Is it? A lot of the recent efforts behind the pushes toward...
I definitely think that it's a good idea to rewear clothes that are only worn for a few hours at a time. But, it's also important to take note how the clothes are washed--not only in terms of the soap, but also the type of load that is being run, and water temperature. Many offer the differences between "small, medium, large." My first encouragement is to always check to make sure the right setting applies, but to also find out if your washing machine overestimates. Many of our large loads can be washed using the Medium water level setting, rather than the large setting. That saves gallons of water every year, because it's simply not using as much water per volume of clothing. It's always important to make sure you understand the machines! =D
Laundry: Washing Clothes
Laundry is one of those household chores that bothers me, more than others. I just hate the futile nature of it, as much as I do dishes. It simply feels like there is no end to it, no matter how often you run the machines. In fact, if you live a certain way, trying to keep everything clean, with...
Raw Foods veganism isn't quite the same as just "veganism" or "vegitarianism" which are often based on more of an emotional/spiritual belief against eating meat. Raw Foods, in general, is usually based a lot more on nutrition. You first have to understand how fat works in our bodies, and how it's processed, particularly with a different sort of diet than, say, French Fries or cheese or such, in order to truly understand how much of nut-related fat really is harmful. Yes, many people misunderstand nuts/cheese in terms of an alternative protein. Many do not do research into the issue, but attempt to just entirely cut out meat/eggs/etc.
Even more significantly, you get the problem of people who do partial veganism or partial vegetarianism, who don't understand what they should and shouldn't do when they're not converting fully. Many people end up with an iron deficiency when they go off meat, because they haven't really looked at all the nutritional data of what they should eat in a day (that isn't based off the fascist food pyramid the government uses), and then what will be missing if they cut out certain foods, and what can be used in place of those.
And the plate trick is something that is a Western issue. We've been conditioned to think large portions are better. In Eastern cultures, particularly in Japan, the art of using a large plate to create a presentation for a small dish is a FREQUENT occurance. In fact, the practice of using many dishes, to create a separation of the food, and therefore a greater variance of color and texture is a lot more important to their presentation than piling it closely on a single plate to create the illusion of "more food." For us, more important that trying to trick our brains into thinking we're eating more food, is to try and break the conditioning that Food Should Be All Over The Plate.
Getting Off The Meat, One Step At A Time
We've heard the old standbys several times already about red meat vs poultry vs fish. Red meat is sin; poultry is okay; fish is best. But, the thing that this supposes is that meat, in terms of animal protein, is inherently good for us. Is it? A lot of the recent efforts behind the pushes toward...
Yeah, it's strange. His coworkers have accepted that he's a guy who brings lunch to work just about every single day--more than the bento aspect with it's cute things or interesting food though, many of them are far more fixated on the fact that His Girlfriend Makes Him Lunch. Apparently, this is a great source of envy amongst his male coworkers.
The Transition To Raw Foods: Why It Seems Harder Than It Is
One of the purposes of this blog is to help bridge a gap that I have perceived over the past two months, as well as my adult life. Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Raw Food-ism have all become linked with a certain type of lifestyle, a certain type of person. That person is a source of mocking in o...
Getting Off The Meat, One Step At A Time
Eating less meat by changing the organization of the meal. Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2011 at Goddess Living
Lies The TV Tells Us: Milk
This post has been a long time coming, mostly because this is my “baby.” This is The Issue which I will fight for hours on, until I have finally driven my point home so hard that no one can refute it. It bothers me more than any other nutritional lie... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2011 at Goddess Living
Laundry: Washing Clothes
How to cut down on laundry, and help conserve natural resources. Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2010 at Goddess Living
Smoothie, Dip, and Environmentalism
The beginning of a good day: a smoothie reminiscent of eggnog, a dip that tastes like ranch, and an attempt to be a force for good. Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2010 at Goddess Living
Coffee Houses and Humanity: Night Out In The City Of Portland
Two interesting discussions at a coffee house in Portland, OR about the nature of humanity, social pressure, and ecology. Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2010 at Goddess Living
Smoothies And Portion Control
How I'm staying within my weight goals with two guiding principles, without going on any binges or bouts of starvation. Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2010 at Goddess Living
The Inevitable Thanksgiving Post
Why we should stop celebrating Thanksgiving. Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2010 at Goddess Living
Raw Smoothies, Raw Dips, Raw Books, And...Fast Food?
When you want to eat the burger and fries instead of the nut patty with cubed vegetables and blended sauce. Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2010 at Goddess Living
Eve-Athena Pallas is now following Trina
Nov 20, 2010
Eve-Athena Pallas is now following Diane MacEachern
Nov 20, 2010
How To Get Started: Dips and Dressings
Getting used to having raw foods in your diet, one aspect at a time. Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2010 at Goddess Living
Falling Off The Wagon
It's important to always keep in mind that you don't have to be afraid of not following The Path of something like a nutrition plan. My own personal reminder on walking the line between Raw Food and cooked food; nutrional food and eating out. Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Goddess Living
Smoothies: How To Begin
How to get started with raw food from a typical American diet. Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2010 at Goddess Living
The Transition To Raw Foods: Why It Seems Harder Than It Is
How I've decided to go more raw without allowing it to take over my life, and why Raw Foods may not be what you think it is. Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at Goddess Living
Lies The Television Tells Us: Eat This Fiber Rich Cereal
Eating cereal with fiber for breakfast vs eating fruit--how advertising misleads us in our knowledge about nutrition. Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2010 at Goddess Living
Eve-Athena Pallas is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 22, 2010
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