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Kelly Gollobin
Recent Activity
Can I include the 12 in our fridge?
How many can you find?
There are 42 Hot Lemon Peppers in this photo. Can you find them all?
Delicious - both varieties and the colors are fantastic. Good job growing, too!
You say 'To-mate-ohh' . . .
We have been getting cherry tomatoes for a couple weeks now, and I plan to grow SunGold heirloom tomatoes from now until I find something better. I couldn't be happier with the three heirloom plants I scored from Tom Ashley of Dancing Bear Farm in the spring. The SunGold fruit is a small cher...
Oh snap!
Six feet high and rising
"How high is the water, Ma?" "Three feet high and rising." Right at one month ago, the Mammoth Russian Sunflowers were right on schedule, doing their collective thing at just under forty inches high, a bit over three feet high. Here's Johnny, from his old TV show: Johnny Cash, Three Feet High...
Love it! Cool stuff.
'Virtual' garden tour
So my friend Bill Barry has been getting into photography and different photo apps for his cell phone, and he's been doing some really cool stuff. He recently picked up a GoPro camera, which seems tailor-made for the Red Bull people who like extreme diving, mountain biking, flight-suit jumping a...
Kelly Gollobin is now following BillB
Jun 29, 2011
Kelly Gollobin is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 29, 2011
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