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Seriously.... I have been checking in at least once a day to see if you've finished it... : )
It is gorgeous so far!! You are one very talented girl!!
LIFE...The important shows up & gives perspective :)
(my husband had his 2nd battle with Cancer this winter & all else just stops )
( & I haven't even gotten to my 1st post yet... tried, was not satisfied, so I just quit.. more important got in the way :)
AND I SOoooo want to go to one of your shows... :) K.
Day Three of Sideboard Rebirth { Let the Tweaking Begin }
I know it looks a bit obnoxious right now but after I apply the defining touches that give it a bit more cohesieveness and maybe a light glaze to tone it all down a notch, I think I will have the look I was after. Everything has its first layer of paint and now the tweaking begins. 1. Find n...
Soooo... a Friday night home, because our "weekend to the cabin" plans were changed at the very last minute. Disappointed, I sit at my computer & follow the blog trail & I come across your sweet blog.
I had such a good time here. Love, Love, Love the family room. I was debating on what to do with our blue & yellow sun room.... I am going green... : ) Love the whimsy you have added & love the switch on the pillows ( green stripes to B/W polka dots )
Tomorrow, I will shop for paint...Thanks for the inspiration!!!
( And HOW FUN that you tracked down former owners )
The Evolution Of A Family Room
Our home is a very old home, just shy of the century mark. As a result it has changed a lot over the years. Last month I did a post on our living room but this time I thought I would feature the family room and how it has evolved over the last few decades. When I hear the words family room that... is now following Be Colorful Coastal
Mar 19, 2010 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 19, 2010
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