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How does it compare in flavor to Fever Tree or Q?
Designing A Club Soda From Scratch
I was recently in touch with Top Note Tonic founders founders Mary Pellettieri and Noah Swanson about their new Club Soda that was created specifically for making highballs with whiskey. They went into the process with specific goals in mind to pair it with whiskey, researched styles of water an...
I’d like to see berries done this way.
Cherries Frozen Into Ice Balls
This came out great! Using this technique with the Thermos Funtainer and ice ball molds I put some cherries inside ice ball molds atop the Thermos and froze them. Nothing complicated, these looked awesome. For all the clear ice projects on Alcademics, check out the Index of Ice Experiment...
You’ve hit the big time! I use their cookbooks quite often. Although I don’t often cook with ice.
Clear Ice in Cook's Illustrated
Hopefully if you're a regular reader of Alcademics you know all about how to make crystal clear ice in a variety of ways, so you're not going to learn anything from this post! I just wanted to denote and share for posterity a mention of my clear ice process was in Cook's Illustrated in the Janua...
You need to create blue balls for guys who are sexually frustrated.
More Ice Ball Shenanigans
If you're not following alcademics on Instagram... well you really should be. I've been having some fun over there freezing stuff into ice balls. I'm using the same technique you've seen here on Alcademics before - a thermos and an upside-down ice ball mold. Lately I did a couple fun ones with ...
Which in the end means it isn’t looking to garner awards, but rather sell at a price point for people who really don’t care what kind of whiskey they buy
What is a Blended Straight Bourbon Whiskey?
I was about to casually add a product to the New Booze page when I realized I didn't know what it was: Old Elk Blended Straight Bourbon Whiskey. I thought that "blended" and "straight" whiskey were at odds with each other, as blended whiskeys must contain at least 20% straight whiskeys in thei...
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Oct 24, 2017
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