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Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah
Recent Activity
Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah added a favorite at She Shoots
Nov 3, 2010
Every Once in a While
I take a lot of pictures of my children and of my cats. Kids and animals are hard because they just don't sit still. Unless distracted by food, both children and domesticated beasts tend to get excited when you pay attention to them even if you are behind a camera. But every once in a while you get a really good shot. See? I have this general rule of thumb that I go by. 70 - 1. Really. Out of of every 70 photographs I take I usually get one really good one. Yesterday it only took me 11 shots.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at She Shoots
The Beautiful Bride
I was trying to get a shot of my sister-in-law throwing the bouquet at her wedding. I thought it would be cool to get her expression close up and the other people behind her trying to catch it. I thought if I was lucky I could get the flowers flying through the air. Instead I got this. And I love it. I see family and friends, but I think because everyone is turned around (except Ian, he is always the guy that will be doing his own thing) this photo can speak to anyone. Plus, Laurie said she likes it... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2010 at She Shoots
Well, obviously, I'm a huge fan of MamaPop. ;)
Top 10 Pop Culture Blogs
Pop culture has exploded along with the availability of new outlets online, and these blogs will help you keep track of the thousands of new movies, TV shows, bands and
See? Fun for the whole family!
Track Fantasy Football Teams With Mobile Apps
This weekend I will be out of town for a three day conference. OH NO! What about my fantasy football teams?
It sounds like they kicked you out because you were too good for them! :)
Track Fantasy Football Teams With Mobile Apps
This weekend I will be out of town for a three day conference. OH NO! What about my fantasy football teams?
Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah added a favorite at LaurieWrites
Sep 29, 2010
I know - and when a player makes you money it is hard not to love him.
Tiki Barber is Broke!
Tiki Barber can't afford the divorce that he has to get because he left his pregnant wife for a 23 year old. I don't mean to laugh at the misfortune of others but HAHAHAHAHAHA. Tiki Barber left his wife WHEN SHE WAS EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT WITH TWINS for a 23 year old intern. Oh! Then he lost...
@Amalah I'm positive my preschool spent more than $2.68 per child because the parents bough the snacks and it often cost me $ 60 to feed 14 kids a snack.
Top Chef DC Recap: Episode 2, Out of the Lunch Box
It is week two of Top Chef DC and our chefs are back in the kitchen - and this week they are pissy. Who wants to see if I am physically capable of doing a three minute "Top Chef" recap? Well, of course you do, Mattin. Who else? Take it easy, Chef White! I'll Hurry! I'll Hurry! Quic...
@peyton I totally agree. Some other areas could have really used the free lunch and nutrition lesson.
Top Chef DC Recap: Episode 2, Out of the Lunch Box
It is week two of Top Chef DC and our chefs are back in the kitchen - and this week they are pissy. Who wants to see if I am physically capable of doing a three minute "Top Chef" recap? Well, of course you do, Mattin. Who else? Take it easy, Chef White! I'll Hurry! I'll Hurry! Quic...
@Beth - EXACTLY! Tom is wise beyond anything Angelo knows.
Top Chef DC Recap: Episode 2, Out of the Lunch Box
It is week two of Top Chef DC and our chefs are back in the kitchen - and this week they are pissy. Who wants to see if I am physically capable of doing a three minute "Top Chef" recap? Well, of course you do, Mattin. Who else? Take it easy, Chef White! I'll Hurry! I'll Hurry! Quic...
@anna Yes! Peanut allergies. They can't serve that in a cafeteria!
Can they?
Top Chef DC Recap: Episode 2, Out of the Lunch Box
It is week two of Top Chef DC and our chefs are back in the kitchen - and this week they are pissy. Who wants to see if I am physically capable of doing a three minute "Top Chef" recap? Well, of course you do, Mattin. Who else? Take it easy, Chef White! I'll Hurry! I'll Hurry! Quic...
@kim s.
Yet that is somehow awesome.
Revisiting June 1991
Ah, June - the month when the schools close forcing me to take care of my own children ALL. DAY. LONG. *hyperventilates* June is also the month where I go to buy my husband a father's day card only to be inundated with graduation cards reminding me that I graduated from high school almost 20 ...
@katharama We were living parallel lives.
Sent from my iPhone.
Revisiting June 1991
Ah, June - the month when the schools close forcing me to take care of my own children ALL. DAY. LONG. *hyperventilates* June is also the month where I go to buy my husband a father's day card only to be inundated with graduation cards reminding me that I graduated from high school almost 20 ...
@TwoBusy That doesn't sound fun at all.
Sent from my iPhone.
Revisiting June 1991
Ah, June - the month when the schools close forcing me to take care of my own children ALL. DAY. LONG. *hyperventilates* June is also the month where I go to buy my husband a father's day card only to be inundated with graduation cards reminding me that I graduated from high school almost 20 ...
Well, don't fuck with Kenny.
Also - you said meat presentation.
"Top Chef DC" Preview: Chef Fun Facts!
I hope nobody was disappointed that I haven't been recapping "Top Chef Masters" but I have trouble tearing people apart who are already successful and doing all of these challenges for charity. That being said, next week "Top Chef DC" begins and I have zero issues making fun of folks who are...
It is on my DVR. Don't tell me anything!!!
*plugs ears*
"Top Chef DC" Preview: Chef Fun Facts!
I hope nobody was disappointed that I haven't been recapping "Top Chef Masters" but I have trouble tearing people apart who are already successful and doing all of these challenges for charity. That being said, next week "Top Chef DC" begins and I have zero issues making fun of folks who are...
Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
May 29, 2010
Yeah, I don't think I would want it.
Is This Kinda Icky?
So I get home from work today and there's a wee package waiting for me on the stoop. I haven't ordered anything recently, so of course I immediately decided it was a check for a million dollars from an unknown benefactor. I couldn't have been more wrong. I picked up the envelope and saw that it ...
I can't speak for the others but I think 50 Cent is miserable because he is starving.
Sent from my iPhone.
50 Cent Encourages Aspiring Anorexics All Over the Globe
50 Cent can now show young people that, yes, anorexia does really work! Sure, you think of 50 Cent of the dude who showed grammar teachers all over America that singular/plural agreement was not a hard and fast rule and the gentleman who was seriously into shawty's birthday, but did you kno...
@silver I thought the exact same thing!
Sent from my iPhone.
50 Cent Encourages Aspiring Anorexics All Over the Globe
50 Cent can now show young people that, yes, anorexia does really work! Sure, you think of 50 Cent of the dude who showed grammar teachers all over America that singular/plural agreement was not a hard and fast rule and the gentleman who was seriously into shawty's birthday, but did you kno...
That is what my neighbor says! The Kings Dominion Law!
I totally thought she was the only person who ever said that.
What are YOU Doing this Summer?
I have plans to leave town in the middle of June and my mother is going to take care of my kids when my husband is at work. "Maybe I'll just take them to the beach", she says. "You can't," I say. "They will still be in school." I don't know what it is like in your county, but my kids go to sc...
What are YOU Doing this Summer?
I have plans to leave town in the middle of June and my mother is going to take care of my kids when my husband is at work. "Maybe I'll just take them to the beach", she says. "You can't,"... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2010 at DC Metro Moms
I like your confidence.
Raise Your Hand if You Didn't Watch the "LOST" Finale
I know that I run the risk of getting kicked off of the site for admitting this, but I have a confession: I didn't watch the LOST finale. In fact, I haven't watched an episode of LOST in the last two years. This also explains why I have not been able to understand a damn word on Twitter sin...
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