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2024 Covered Bridges Calendar! — Parke County's thirty-one remaining treasures give good reason for calling us the Capital of Covered Bridge Country, with the oldest dating back to 1856 and the newest to 2006. — This beautiful, full-sized calendar showcases a different Parke County Covered Bridge each month. The calendar includes dates for the 2024 Parke County Festivals and Special Events. Continue reading
It depends on the exact location, either 8-6 or 9-5
Only 51 more days & We are counting them down, it will be here before you know it! If you're a Vendor still looking for space, give us a call for Mansfield location 765-653-3049 or 765-562-3815 Continue reading
Join us January 27th - 29th at Turkey Run Inn State Park where the Eagles in Flight Weekend will occur at both the Inn and the Nature Center. Discover nest, an overnight roost & hunting grounds as we explore the habitats of bald eagles. Enjoy live eagle, hawk and owl programs! Admission for the weekend is $15 for ages 13 and up, and $10 for ages 4-12. Children under age 4 get in free. Regular park entrance fees will apply: $7 for in-state and $9 for out-of-state vehicles. Use group code EAG17 to make inn room reservations at 1-877-563-4371 or... Continue reading
January 2023 27th-29th Eagles in Flight Weekend - Turkey Run State Park (Marshall) February 2023 18th Montezuma Chili Cook Off 25th & 26th Parke County Maple Fair (Countywide) - Headquarters 4H Fairgrounds (Rockville) March 2023 4th & 5th Parke County Maple Fair (Countywide) - Headquarters 4H Fairgrounds (Rockville) April 2023 1st Easter Egg Hunt - Rockville Lake 28th - 30th Women's Wellness Retreat - Turkey Run State Park (Marshall) 29th & 30th Bridgeton Rendezvous 29th & 30th Mansfield Village Mushroom Festival May 2023 5th Hobsons Adventure Farm Baby Animal Festival 20th Zoom Town 5k Run (Montezuma) June 2023 2nd -... Continue reading
2023 Covered Bridges Calendar! — Parke County's thirty-one remaining treasures give good reason for calling us the Capital of Covered Bridge Country, with the oldest dating back to 1856 and the newest to 2006. — This beautiful, full-sized calendar showcases a different Parke County Covered Bridge each month. The calendar includes dates for the 2022 Parke County Festivals and Special Events. Continue reading
2022 Parke County Covered Bridge Festival, October 14-23, 2022. Festival Headquarters on the Rockville Square- The foundation of the festival, the Rockville Square is where the Covered Bridge Festival began in 1957. Rockville hosts vendors of homemade/handmade items, primities, and antiques. Local non profits serve a variety of foods each day in their food shacks around the South side of the courthouse lawn. Two information booths on the square offer free covered bridge maps, directions and helpful information to plan your visit in Parke County. Continue reading
Explore Clay County Indiana - Great Places - Great Faces — As you leaf through the following pages you will find stories, ads and photographs of hidden treasures and well-known gems in this central Indiana county—some not even familiar to those who reside here. Continue reading