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GothamistLLC added a favorite at FAKELOCKE.COM
Mar 25, 2010
Currently have access to a droid that we got sent as a loner. And then there I the different device images via the ask.
So much easier to install an App on an android device, no provisioning hoops to jump through.
Been working over the holidays on a couple of Ist...
Been working over the holidays on a couple of Ist related projects that I've had trouble finding time for. They're both iPhone apps, and currently both being developed using the Titanium Mobile environment. The first app that I hope to submit was the 2nd I set out to create as it wound up being a...
Been working over the holidays on a couple of Ist...
Been working over the holidays on a couple of Ist related projects that I've had trouble finding time for. They're both iPhone apps, and currently both being developed using the Titanium Mobile environment. The first app that I hope to submit was the 2nd I set out to create as it wound up being an easier gateway to development. The Titanium Mobile app has been an overall positive one, once you get past the limitations of some slow down from the HTML/JS to fully rendered App. But the ability to use one codebase to develop for both Android and iPhone... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at My Blog
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