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Let me guess: the crazy bitch broke into her son’s apartment, snooped, and found things she didn’t like.
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Why is it always the people who are the rudest are the ones who accuse the retail slave of being rude?
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Parents: It’s. Ok. To. Tell. Your. Kids. No!
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This reminds me of a bit Ron White did: He was married to a super-rich woman and his brother-in-law was a massive prick who would not.stop.talking. about the glories of Mercedes-Benz cars. So, to rub it in his face, Ron shows off his new tour van that has a pull-out couch that can be opened with a press of a button. BIL: I can't believe you didn't buy a Mercedes Benz Ron: They don't make a van (BIL starts babbling on about the three-inch wipers on that keep his headlights clean in a rainstorm.) Ron: I have a place to fuck your sister. The punchline is that he doesn't know why her family never liked him.
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He was trying to scare the Op's business into eating the cost of the repair, no doubt.
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I suspect it will end with the father snapping or the manager getting fired after too many complaints about him from the HR people.
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Pro tip to scammers: Overreacting to being questioned is usually a dead giveaway that you’re up to something.
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Five bucks says manager there was no pubes in the coffee and the HR gal knew it.
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Five bucks says the bride and groom realized they’d spent too much money on the wedding and reception, realized their mistake when they saw their credit card bill, and came up with these bullshit excuses to recoup their losses.
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My father used to say about people like this, “where did you get your license, a Cracker Jack box?”
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I saw someone try to pull that shit in a Winn Dixie but with a cartful of beer.
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I used to live a couple of cities away from this Outback! I used to take trips to the stores around that place on my bike. That curbside service got *a lot* of work during lunch.
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Not used to hearing “no”, eh?
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There’s a podcast I listen to regularly called Sawbones that does basically medical history, but also occasionally delves into health-related things, like why you should vaccinate your kids. The co-hosts had to do one recently basically explaining from a medical standpoint why you shouldn’t eat Tide Pods, and delved into the health risks of other YouTube challenges, such as the Cinnamon Challenge.
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This is nothing! I went to a school that had a *huge* number of students from third world countries. I assume that a great deal of my classmates had been using the water in the toilets to take bird baths, because they had to put up signs in English, Spanish, and Kreyol telling the students not to do that.
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Also, I have to wonder why she isn’t the owner of the florist shop, and if that has anything to do with her being batshit crazy.
Toggle Commented Dec 30, 2017 on Coworker Hell: Mary-Lou at Retail Hell Underground
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Just a hunch, but I think I know why she was fired from the Christian bookstore.
Toggle Commented Dec 29, 2017 on Coworker Hell: Mary-Lou at Retail Hell Underground
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What I want to know is, why they just didn’t make *Maggie* the supervisor?
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2017 on Coworker Hell: Maggie at Retail Hell Underground
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I’m surprised nobody laced their lunch with Ex-Lax or chili peppers to get back at her.
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I was hoping you’d say someone boobie trapped their food with Ex-Lax or hot peppers. Drat!
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At least she didn’t accuse her of stealing her stuff, then putting it back.
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I suspect drugs were involved in this decision.
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I’d say anger management issues, and a bit of racism.
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Just one question: did the arrest have something to do with violence against women?
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I imagine places like that charge more for larger orders. I know that a single doughnut at Dunkin Doughnuts is about less than a dollar, but a box of a dozen is something like $10.
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