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Donny Pishler
Here at Rewire Security we specialise in cutting edge innovative, cost effective GPS tracking, Body worn Cameras & Vehicle DVR CCTV Systems. Our trademark live gps tracking platform GPS Live : enables our customers to track their GPS Trackers real time. Rewire GPS mobile application provides mobile gps tracking .At Rewire security, we pay attention to our clients and seek to understand their requirements, our technical support will be with you till the end. Everything we do as a company is based on reinforcing our position as the most responsive solution provider in the GPS Tracking industry.We provide our unique Rewire Security branded products, plus a selection of the best technology from other suppliers - all tested and approved by our experts.With a big portion of our custom coming from referrals, you don’t have to take our word for it. If you need reassurance just give us a call and we will put you in touch with a customer in a similar market to yours. Here is a list of some of our partners within the United Kingdom : fowlers finance , thomas and sons , ni-vans , girofood , medina dairy , acc garage service ltd , cardiac locksmiths reading , jobserve , bookhardings , transflor ltd , vallance coaches , wgs plant hire , smith brewers , easyway , etc....... Address: Rewire Security , CHANDOS MEWS, 34B CHANDOS ROAD, REDLAND BRISTOL, BS6 6PF, UNITED KINGDOM. Telephone: 0117 942 3650
Interests: Gps Tracker For Vehicles
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Feb 24, 2016