This is Graham's Typepad Profile.
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Entrepreneurial, adventurous, free-thinker.
Interests: travel, chocolate, running, listening to music, fashion, sleeping, skydiving, cats and dogs, white wine, brainstorming, movies, reading, writing, kayaking, blogging, psychology, religion, politics, swimming, exercising, education, public speaking, science, cycling, coffee, eating out, stimulating conversation, fast cars, white water rafting, starting companies, rain, scuba, paragliding, pistol shooting, sunbathing, playing keyboards, predicting the future, designing cool software, brain research, fish tanks, composing music, driving with the top down, the snooze button, lying in a hammock, clocks that chime, colognes, luxury hotels, and naughty things i won't list here.
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Graham is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010