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With love from the USA - It will grow my friend - Bigger than you could ever believe as we all love freedom and freedom from taxes to governments that do not know how to be fiscal with it.
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WHAT??? Teapartiers are really Fox News Contributors???? LMAO!
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Nancy Pelosi - is that you????
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GO BRITS GO! How wonderful! I am a teapartier from the USA so I can't be there in person but will be there in thought. We love our British friends and will be rooting for you. Make a lot of colorful signs (just state a point) and bring the children and the grandparents and have the time of your life. You may start with just a few people but you are not alone! You will see! God bless! Take pics and videos and put them on youtube and post...YEAH!!!!
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JeanieinFlorida is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2010