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With love from the USA - It will grow my friend - Bigger than you could ever believe as we all love freedom and freedom from taxes to governments that do not know how to be fiscal with it.
The Tea Party Movement launches in the United Kingdom
From Boston in the USA to Brighton in the UK - The Freedom Association is launching The Tea Party Movement in the United Kingdom this week. Don't miss it. More details to follow shortly. Related articles by Zemanta What is the Tea Party movement all about? (
WHAT??? Teapartiers are really Fox News Contributors???? LMAO!
Taxed Enough Already! Join Daniel Hannan at the Brighton Tea Party.
Join DANIEL HANNAN MEP at the Brighton Tea Party at 5.30 p.m. this Saturday 27 February at the Best Western Hotel, 143-145 King's Road, Brighton BN1 2PQ The event will take place on the Conservative Party Spring Forum fringe, but is outside the secure zone, so all members of the public are ver...
Nancy Pelosi - is that you????
Taxed Enough Already! Join Daniel Hannan at the Brighton Tea Party.
Join DANIEL HANNAN MEP at the Brighton Tea Party at 5.30 p.m. this Saturday 27 February at the Best Western Hotel, 143-145 King's Road, Brighton BN1 2PQ The event will take place on the Conservative Party Spring Forum fringe, but is outside the secure zone, so all members of the public are ver...
How wonderful! I am a teapartier from the USA so I can't be there in person but will be there in thought. We love our British friends and will be rooting for you. Make a lot of colorful signs (just state a point) and bring the children and the grandparents and have the time of your life. You may start with just a few people but you are not alone! You will see! God bless! Take pics and videos and put them on youtube and post...YEAH!!!!
Taxed Enough Already! Join Daniel Hannan at the Brighton Tea Party.
Join DANIEL HANNAN MEP at the Brighton Tea Party at 5.30 p.m. this Saturday 27 February at the Best Western Hotel, 143-145 King's Road, Brighton BN1 2PQ The event will take place on the Conservative Party Spring Forum fringe, but is outside the secure zone, so all members of the public are ver...
JeanieinFlorida is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2010
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