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Well technically Jay Elect is from the South, New Orleans, La... if this man embrace lyricism, then I'm sure many more embrace them out here in the south.
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I wish I could do that to Bush... but then again his former secret service would kick my ass off the plane and inform the public that I was former Al Qaida and shit...
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I have a feeling P. Diddy is really on his last train...
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Might just get it
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I love Sade
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Ask ya fucking tattoo of Pharrel's label... jeezz... ol Alvin Chimpmunk lookin ass nigga.
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See what having a white girl on your team can do for you? lol Black Eyed Peas didn't get shit until Fergie climbed on and rode they ass to the top. I need to get me a white girl to promote for me. lol.
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T.I. had a better money for lawyers... Beans didn't, easy Court system don't give a fuck how severe the case is, I could stab a white bitch, hire a bad ass lawyer and get off the murder case... *cough*OJ*cough* As long money is provided to give a damn grammy winning presentation of the man's case... they good... meanwhile... nigga Beans disses getting as old as Jay Z. Hang the fuckin mic up if thats all u got to say fat albert lookin ass nigga.
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I agree... I wasn't feeling it. Love the original better
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Video wasn't bad... Wayne appearance was cool ol auto toon lookin ass Any1 saw Busta's Gut? Nigga need to do aerobics Jamie Foxx goofy ass decided to put Ray Charles into the mix... that nigga... lol Don't call it come back... No really, don't call it comeback, LL Cool J was garbage. Nigga... I would had been happy if his ass just singed along... Jay Z did a better rap...That statement would piss him off. Kanye and Will I Am did a better job. Wtf Wyclef... nigga sound like he did from the someone call 911 video... and that song was horrible... concept was nice... but Wyclef has the voice, I'd walk away from if he bust out singing... Love the cause... Love the unity... Song wasn't unique tho, no remake is... so This gets an 7 out of 10... Since the concept is on point
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Yeah, I mean if his album bricks, retail could be a great backup
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That Beamer, Benz, or Bentley go hard... beat and lyrics!!! DAMN!!!
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Lol... Kanye is muslim... Check for the record "I'm so appalled." Cyclops wasn't feeling that shit... told Drake to come in signing the lil deal that Jigga and Gaga had to sign in order to become "Sucessful"
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lmao True... Best of what? Best for fucking young girls and best for fucking young money
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Someone slap Trump... and I pray the name "Trump" aint coming from Donald... Nigga just fired himself from the game if thats the case
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I can see it now... 4 years from now off G-Unit Productions... For the Love of Yayo... and each chick being an ex crackhead. Chosen crack hoar gets crack pipe pinned to her shirt while others get the boot and a possible appearance on celebrity rehab... and when the fuck is Fat Joe going to join celebrity fit club?
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If the woman hit me... yeah, she'll get "mushed" on and pulled by the hair... just minus the Chris Brown Combos.
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Patron... u my nigga...
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I'm sorry but... WHAT BEEF????
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Ra is now following JayPo
Feb 11, 2010
John Mayer was real with what he said, it was just misinterpreted. He said nigga but not in a offensive way. As for the not dating outside his race shit... Many people have a preference. Me, I'll fuck with white women but the percentages of me actually making them wife is a 10% chance. Black = 75%. Others= 15%... No biggie... just prefer a woman that I can relate to in THIS society.
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lol instead of complaining, Kay Slay should be finding ways to market off this change...
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