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Melisa Wells
Recent Activity
Chihuly? LOVE HIM.
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2011 on Pointy at wishbone clover
OH. MY. GOD. That is all.
haha, picking the soot out of each other's MONKEYS! haha That was such a great event. Who knew your evening was just beginning?? :) Hopefully there will not be a #saveher11.
Toggle Commented Dec 9, 2010 on #Reverb10: Party at This Full House
1 reply
Great picture! Nice to see the baby pool is still intact...hahahaha! :)
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2010 on Living in the Moment at TFH PHOTOBLOG
1 reply
I would like to thank YOU. :) You're not only one of my fave bloggers, but one of my favorite people. xoxo So thanks!
1 reply
That was priceless. As an added bonus, we can all rest easy knowing that if, God forbid, you ever retire from blogging someday, you've got a family member who seems to be willing to take over the reins! :)
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2010 on Secretly, Secret Vlog at This Full House
1 reply
Great perspective; great post! My older son is a member of the class of 2010, and my younger one will graduate, like your youngest, in 2013. I've been an emotional wreck for more than a month now (though, oddly enough, the ceremony itself brought NO tears), and I find myself wondering how it will be the second time around...hopefully more laid back, like you are. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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My son (15yo) wears these also, and I just found out how "in style" he is. Apparently he got his at one of the WALs (the smaller one). It's a cheaper trend than many others, so I'm happy! :)
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Give it a shot: even a five minute break is better than nothing! :)
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I don't do it nearly enough, obviously. Need to change that!
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You've got that right! Dogs rock. :)
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My older son graduates from high school this weekend. These last couple of weeks have been full of senior activities: the Senior lock-in, Senior Prom, cap and gown pickup, final exams, Senior Awards Banquet, graduation practice, and yes, even Senior... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2010 at Chicago Moms Blog
I LOVE vistaprint. My business cards were printed by them also, and I am very happy with the quality AND prices. Would LOVE to win the book! You know my e-mail already! :)
1 reply
I wish you would stop saying you're the a-hole. The a-hole is your soon-to-be-former boss. I have no doubt that you have been an awesome manager at the club, because you throw yourself into everything you do and you have high standards. Well, all except for that occasional laundry pile. But I digress... I'm just a call away should you ever need another pep talk, and who knows: I may have some GREAT stories about a certain wacko that would make you laugh your butt off. Hope you're enjoying your weekend, Joizey! xoxo
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Melisa Wells is now following Secretagentmama
May 10, 2010
Melisa Wells is now following SV Moms Group
May 10, 2010
Melisa Wells is now following Liz@ThisFullHouse
May 10, 2010
Um, gross. But hilarious too! Hopey's got spunk. I love it! (and nice job, Big Brother!)
Toggle Commented May 10, 2010 on No Business 4 Boyz at This Full House
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Thinking about your dad today; hoping for a more-than-successful surgery and a speedy recovery! :) xoxo
Toggle Commented May 4, 2010 on Distorted, No Editing Required at This Full House
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Aww! Happy Late B-day, Garth! Or should I say, "Party on, Garth!" haha
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You guys are so adorable. And Garth needs his own sitcom.
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I LOVED this post. LOVED IT.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2010 on The Downside of an Empty Nest at Chicago Moms Blog
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