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A fiber artist and a cat lover.
Interests: travel, reading, crafting, camping
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No blue, just green and yellow. The one on the left is my favorite, too. Its the one that started the quilt design.
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2013 on Why are my weekends so weird? at So many hobbies!
I dont think it has to be plyed but Im pretty new at this. Im plying mine because my singles have lots of twist and are very fine. Apparently, the more twist you add to your spun silk, the shinier is will be. Beck When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2013 on Spinning silk at So many hobbies!
Hi, Lucie! I havent really had time to think about it. Between my vacation and the bathroom redo, I havent had much time for anything else. Once I start thinking about it, Im sure Ill get excited. Tell every one I said hi. When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2013 on Indulging My Inner Geek at So many hobbies!
Its Merino/bamboo. I cant wait to see the finished yarn, too. If I keep going at the same rate, I should be done spinning in a couple days. Then a couple days of plying. Hmm, I may not get the Finn spun in time for Maryland. We shall see. Snorgle the babies for me! Beck When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Apr 24, 2012 on Still spinning at So many hobbies!
Far as I know, theyre built the same as every other sheep. There are a lot of Finn bottle babies. When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Thats a little more work than I want to do. Right now Im making a needle book. Its my first one so Im kind of designing it as I go. Pictures tomorrow. Beck When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2012 on One down... at So many hobbies!
The rain came down in buckets and the thunder was continuous. I havent seen a storm that big in a while. Now I just need to clean the litterbox sludge out of the basement. The reall annoying thing is Id planned on cleaning the basement tonight or tomorrow. Now, not only do I have to wait until the floor drives, but I have to clean up the litterbox sludge that before I would have just vacuumed. Grr. Beck When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Our temps in the mid 70s is about 3 months ahead of schedule. Its been so warm here, if we get a freeze, its going to wreak havoc with the flowers and the trees. It could kill the fruit crop. The tornado in Dexter was only a street away from my girlfriends house. They lost a few shingles and some of the siding on their house is loose but thats about it. The neighbor across the street lost his garage completely. Becky When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
When you charge your phone, Ill post again. Its all on you, baby! When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Feb 24, 2011 on It was a fiber weekend! at So many hobbies!
I keep making quilts and I literally have no place to put them. Im sure theres some kind of sickness in there somewhere, but I cant not make things. Being creative and the kittens are just about my only joys in life. I may have to put a quilt storage chest in the trunk of my car. Happy creating! Becky When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2010 on Think pink at So many hobbies!
Elizabeth's book is on my list of must-haves. Please count me in.
1 reply
Much as I dislike Michigan winters, they make the return of spring that much more spectacular. Becky When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on My favorite time of year... at So many hobbies!
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Mar 15, 2010
Ill see if I can find it online and link to it but since the recipe is from Cooking Light, Im not sure I can legally post it. Ill see what I can do.
Toggle Commented Nov 6, 2009 on Ginger, glorious ginger! at So many hobbies!
Hi, Elizabeth! The tail is unusual for her. She usually sleeps with her nose tucked under a crooked paw. She so damned cute when she does that I have to restrain myself from going over and kissing the heck out of her. I really love cats. Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2009 on This is for Lucia at So many hobbies!
Yup, she's my girl. We had a vet appt. Saturday and he said she's in great shape for 18. She celebrated with a nap. Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2009 on This is for Lucia at So many hobbies!
No more blog?! Darn! I like reading your blog! Why did you give it up? Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2009 on This is for Lucia at So many hobbies!
Hi, Gayle! Three gallons!? Wow! What did you make with them? I haven't picked elderberries in a long time. Of course, I don't live in the country anymore. Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2009 on Six more quarts at So many hobbies!
Thanks, Val. Shopping for fabric at quilt stores is a lot of fun. They have such beautiful designs. My favorite is the blue batik. Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2009 on Sorry I've been away at So many hobbies!
I'll look into it but I think copyright only applies to written things: music, fiction, non-fiction. It's a good idea, though. Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2009 on Patent? at So many hobbies!
Hi, Val, It'll take a few days for it to darken a bit - it's kind of orange when you first wash the henna off - and then find someone to wield the camera... should be able to get a pic on Friday. Becky "When I stop learning, I'd better be dead."
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2009 on First, a thank you... at So many hobbies!