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Andy Green94
Recent Activity
Muchisimas gracias David! saludos.
Poetry of Walt Whitman - Carpe Diem - No dejes
Do not let the day end without having grown a bit, without being happy, without having risen your dreams. Do not let overcome by disappointment. Do not let anyone you remove the right to express yourself, which is almost a duty. Do not forsake the yearning to make your life something special. Be...
Amo ese poema pero tengo una duda... está completa la versión en inglés? porque me sale en que termina en "Enjoy the panic that leads..." y no la encuentro completa en ninguna parte :S Te agradecería muchisimo si me pudieras decir qué sigue... :) Saludos!
Poetry of Walt Whitman - Carpe Diem - No dejes
Do not let the day end without having grown a bit, without being happy, without having risen your dreams. Do not let overcome by disappointment. Do not let anyone you remove the right to express yourself, which is almost a duty. Do not forsake the yearning to make your life something special. Be...
Andy Green94 is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 22, 2010
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