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Wonderful! Wonderful! You are a gifted man,Hunter. Always write--everyday work your creative muscles..
Eight Stories
I A whirlwind came through a small town somewhere north of Wichita. Some say it was Sedgwick. It came in from the North-West, there along the river and rolled through the otherwise flat, building-pimpled plain. Not much was displaced, except two neighbors. They lived across the stre...
Absolutely, beautiful.
SW XI : The River
They were at the river one of those special days in September that situated itself between Summer and Autumn when the air was clear and cool and the sun warm, and she was splashing the water when he realized something he could easily believe he had felt for only her. He felt she was the...
Greeryng1 is now following Hunter
Sep 3, 2012
Crazy ladies w/ tesla-coiled white hair and cake batter faces have much to teach us about who we are.
Empty Seats
We ride the commuter line back into Boston. We cross bridges over reeds and sun-splashed waters. We all laugh at this lady on the train. Some of them have a history with her, as the crazy lady who came into their store. She has what appears to be cake batter all over her face and someon...
I was instantly drwn into this. Wonderful use of imagery "Poppies from a bagel all scattered across a plate", "hair slightly damped and still spiked from the towel;s drag". I like that the damage from the whirlwind brings them together. You left me wanting to read more.
Small World I : The Whirlwind
A whirlwind came through a small town somewhere north of Wichita. Some say it was Sedgwick. It came in from the North-West, there along the river and rolled through the otherwise flat, building-pimpled plain. Not much was displaced, except two neighbors. They lived across the street and...
Greeryng1 is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 8, 2012
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