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Southern California
crafty mommy of two girls
Interests: knitting, sewing, crocheting, quilting, papercrafts, embroidery, cross stitch, cooking things, making things, growing things...
Recent Activity
... is about how often I blog now. But tonight the moon is really spectacular. Glad we all went out and saw it, even though 75% of us were in our jammies! Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2014 at greetingarts
The days and weeks just keep flying by, one after another after another. Some are ordinary, with multiple loads of laundry and grocery shopping and rocket math and finding lost articles of clothing. Others are more momentous, like when my firstborn went on a school science trip for three nights and cell phones were not allowed. Working six days a week and getting caught up with life makes me so exhausted I just don't have the energy to sit down at the computer. But... my mom says I really need to update my blog. And I do like to look... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2014 at greetingarts
Hi Julie, happy new year! My father has had glaucoma for almost three decades now, and though he does have to use daily eye drops, nothing else has been affected and he even passes his driving test last month at the age of 74. So just keep it monitored and you should be fine. It is hereditary, thoug, so Amy and Toby should start getting tested when they turn 20, I think. Take care, I look forward to all your newest knitting in 2014! I just love everything you do, and your joyful outlook and love for your family. Hugs!
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2014 on january at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas (or Hannukah or winter solstice or Thursday the 26th). we had a very nice one even though my parents got sick and were unable to travel to see us. They're feeling better now, though, so that's okay. The weather has been totally unbelievable, hovering right around 80 degrees during the day. C-R-A-Z-Y, don't you think? More and more, I'm opting for simple rather than fussy, and it's suiting me. The teacher gifts were quick and easy to put together with cello bags ordered online, and modified cupcake toppers from Target. Well received, and didn't... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2013 at greetingarts
Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so ready for a break. I have four glorious days off in a row and I can't wait to sleep in late, have someone else cook, and just enjoy my family. I made a Thankful banner (pattern here) and strung it in the teacher's lounge, along with a basket full of miniature books I made with the Giving Thanks pdf from Wild Olive. I made 80 of those suckers last night, with a little bit of help from the girls. I think I have about 20 left... my mom might like some, and we're keeping a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2013 at greetingarts
I know Halloween is already long gone, but I've tried posting this twice already and I'm determined not to let Typepad eat my memories. I originally saw this fabulous jack-o-lantern fruit cup idea here, and knew it would be the perfect treat to bring for the teachers. Did I mention I'm hospitality chair again? I didn't really sign up for it this year, but I do love the teachers, so here I am. The kids and I had a great time coming up with ideas for the faces, even though we did stray quite a bit from the jack-o-lantern look.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2013 at greetingarts
My dear, sweet baby. We will miss you so much. Eighteen years was a long time together, but I wasn't ready to say goodbye. Glad you were able to die at home, in your soft bedding. I know you know that we love you. You were the softest kitty... really, the softest *any*thing I ever touched. Thank you for loving us back. Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2013 at greetingarts
Oh goody, maybe now my kids will let me take down the patriotic ones we have! Not that they aren't beautiful, but I think these are so sweet. Thanks again for your generosity.
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2013 on Printable Shabby Roses Paper Chains at allsorts
1 reply
It happened again... the summer days flew by, the girls went another grade higher, and this time I have two school schedules and drop-off/pick-up times to figure out. The middle schooler now has uniforms (silent "Yay!" from Mom) and I knew enough to get my photo before even getting into the car. She's got a crazy schedule, it rotates daily and I couldn't begin to figure out where she's supposed to be when, but hopefully she'll have no problem remembering by next week. I still made my traditional gifts for all of Jessica's previous teachers (who happen to be Rebecca's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2013 at greetingarts
We've been enjoying every moment of summer. Mostly out and about, traveling, swimming, scootering in the park. But once in a while we'll just stay home and pull out the crafts. Chronicle Books sent me a copy of Party Origami by Jessica Okui of Zakka Life, and the girls and I had a fun time checking it out and making some of our first origami projects ever. Now that they are a bit older, and are more precise with their folds, it's a lot more fun and everything they attempted was successful. One of these bird placecard holders was made... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2013 at greetingarts
Oh, so pretty. Really love those blues with greys!
1 reply
greetingarts has shared their blog greetingarts
Jun 14, 2013
How wonderful! It's beautiful, even unfurnished, and every bit of it just screams "love." It needs a name, don't you think? :0)
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2013 on garden room at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
That's because you are a truly loving and gifted teacher who cares. My oldest is graduating elementary school next Thursday and I feel the tears already. She has had such nurturing teachers, we have been so lucky. I wish I knew you in "real" life, but thank you for sharing so much of yourself here. Your students will carry you with them always. xoxo
Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to write this up. Such helpful information, and I'm off to buy your patterns now. So excited you've decided to start offering them. Yay!
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What a sweet message, Cassi. Hope you had a lovely, joyful mothers day yourself. Xoxo
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They look fantastic! Love the polka dots. I'd pick the animal themed set, just to have so much variety in your cute kits!
Cassi, I hope your dad is doing much better. You seem to be in a healthy state of mind, so I'm hoping you're all fine. Last year was the worst of my life, so I'm trying to take action and stop waiting for the "right" time to do things, as well. I've had a bathroom redo in my sights since we first bought this house, and I realize that come February, it will be 10 years! And not a thing has been touched. Time to take action, now! I will be thinking about you and keeping you in mind as I try to stay motivated. I'll keep up with you here and on Bella Dia, take care!
1 reply
I was going to title this post "don't let the door hit you on the way out," but didn't want to broadcast such negativity and bad vibes. Truthfully, I can't wait to see the back end of 2012. This has probably been the worst year of my life, starting on January 1st and ending with the loss of my grandfather the week before Thanksgiving. I'm so ready to kick 2012 out the door, and usher in a new year of better things. These last two weeks have been great, though. The girls and I managed to fight off colds, we... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2012 at greetingarts
Oh, yes, please, my girls would love this. I'll even print on magnet sheets so they can dress them up o their magnetized bedroom wall all season long! Thanks so much.
Toggle Commented Nov 16, 2012 on Printable Christmas paper doll at allsorts
1 reply
I've got so many irons in the fire, sometimes it's hard to concentrate on one thing at a time. 1. Embellishing bracelets to pass out during the class party. 2. Putting together treats and decorations for the teachers' lounge. 3. Making costumes at the last minute, with input from the designer. 4. Attempting to knit up ghost necklaces, to add to a growing collection, but realizing that was one thing that just wasn't going to get done. And letting it go. Being able to focus is so important. And my little lady can certainly vouch for that... she got glasses... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2012 at greetingarts
Congratulations! May your hearts always feel so full, yet grow ever fuller. Enjoy your expanded family! Much love to you all.
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2012 on Then, Amelia. at Posie Gets Cozy
Beautiful color, it's my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!
1 reply
I honestly don't know how you could part with even a single one, but I'm so glad you choose to share them with the world. Thanks so much for a chance to win one. May "normal" arrive quickly in your home. Aside from being with my two girls, knitting, crochet and handwork (embroidery, for example, or hand-piecing) makes me happy.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2012 on a give-away at Little Cotton Rabbits
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