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Greg added a favorite at Sparkwood & 21
Feb 1, 2012
I can't remember the name of it, but there used to be an anime series about bartenders in Japan. Each episode would feature a different cocktail or spirit, and so on. I'm sure I've got a few episodes on a CD's funny how they make animes and manga about anything over there.
Bars in Japan: Cocktail Bars
On my five-day visit to Japan with Suntory whiskies I hit 21 bars by my count. I am talking about them in groups. Next up: Cocktail Bars. The difference between the various styles of bars is subtle and I'm defining them as I see them. I'll be describing whisky bars, cocktail bars, highball and s...
KARSAN's product makes me think of that episode of the Simpsons when Homer has some weird car and the guy tells him "It gets 50 hectares on a liter of Kerosene!" and when Homer can't drive it he yells "Put it in H! Put it in H!"
One of These Three Taxis Will Soon Rule the Streets of New York City
Now that Ford plans to discontinue making it's ancient Crown Victoria, it's not just police departments that will need a new vehicle to use as their industry standard. New York City in particular is on the hunt for a new platform for it's famous yellow taxi fleet, and the three vehicles sh...
everything they say about the bagels is's the water among other things..unlike some places out west that basically serve you a hamburger bun with a hole in the middle...
Foods I Have Eaten Most Often Since Moving to New York
Bagels Bagels Bagels Vodka Wine Pizza Falafels Bagels Bagels Cheese (naturally) Bagels
YIKES! that sounds terrifying. glad you are ok. burns are the worst.
the great fireball of 2010
Yesterday started out to be such a good day. The weather was cold and drizzly and my roommates and I had decided that we would stay in all day and work on projects around the house. I was in back in one of the sunrooms working on getting some of our air plants into their new hanging glass pods...
This is odd for several reasons:
1. for years, the USPS has told business customers who send zillions of pieces of mail into the system, that if a service day was cut, it would not be Saturday, but instead, Tuesday. There are many reasons why cutting Saturday service would hurt USPS revenue and business, too many to list here.
2. The USPS gets no subsidies from the US Government, so it has had to pay the full cost (minus a small one time donation) of upgraded security post 9/11. They have also had to fund the automation of the USPS out of their own pocket. So there's reasons beyond the Internet why they're having troubles.
3. Any alternative service for sending home delivery mail would be very very selective in the markets it would serve. Do not fool yourself into thinking that you'd pay less to mail a letter to rural Arkansas or Alaska with an alternate carrier - if they'd take it at all. FedEx, UPS, and DHL have entire regions they will not deliver to under any circumstances, and none offer guarantees the USPS does, particularly with parcels. When I was constantly shipping print samples from our direct mail rusn, UPS would routinely lose 30%+ of our parcels and say "Fuck you!" if we complained. We never had that problem with USPS, who had an entire unit and a police force and inspectors devoted to ensuring our stuff went through on time.
Armchair bullshit about how Fedex would send your mail cheaper is that - bullshit. You have no idea how good you have it warts and all with USPS until we break it up, and then one day you'll have mail delivery as great as your cell phone service or your cable service -private monopolies with no reason to give two shits about you or mailing your bills and DVDs on time.
Netflix Rep: Elimination of Saturday Delivery Will Have "Little, If Any, Impact on Subscribers"
Update: The Senate has posted a recording of the webcast of the hearing. The Washington Post reports that Netflix's Andrew Rendich will be testifying today about the elimination of Saturday mail delivery, along with other companies that rely on the USPS. Representatives of will call d...
I was very sorry to hear this on the Twitter.
I wasn't sure how to react.
But, I know what it's like to lose a loved one and right now, I'm likely to lose some more.
it sucks and yet you did your auntie a great poetic justice just now..I only wish I could do the same for my loved one.
My Aunt Shirley
My aunt is dying. She may already be dead, I don't know. She had a massive stroke several days ago. A Do Not Resuscitate form was signed. They removed her breathing tube this morning. She continues to breathe. She would be totally blind and in a complete vegetative state were she to survive. She...
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