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Greg Kowalski
Franklin, WI
I'm a community writer motivated on helping my neighbors in Franklin.
Interests: movies, politics, baseball, football, development, and news.
Recent Activity
Could transit issues be a factor with Franklin development?
Earlier today, the Oak Creek NOW reported that with the recent boom in retail, along with the Drexel Town Square project, the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) will be expanding service to accommodate the new development. While the lack of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2015 at Franklin Today
New life for vacant restaurants on 27th Street
This week has been full of positive news for the College-Rawson retail section of 27th Street. Two vacant restaurant sites along the corridor are slated to house new dining choices for residents in the coming months, which will have Summertime... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2015 at Franklin Today
I'm coming on this a bit late, but I have to say I am also quite disappointed in how libraries (or funding of libraries) don't seem to be well-received. That it's not well-received by a School Board Member just makes it worse.
I don't know about Ms. Evans, but an organization I'm part of meets at the library once (sometimes twice) a month. The parking lot is (at minimum) half to three quarters full every time, and the computers there are always fully utilized. It's also impressive the number of STUDENTS that go to the library to study or work on group projects. Being a Board Member, I'd hope Ms. Evans would recognize that at the high school many teachers include several heavy-duty group projects in their classes.
Out of any public facility in Franklin, I'd argue that our library is one of the busiest and most used. Using Ms. Evans' logic, we should be shuttering City Hall or the "Educational & Community Center" in favor of them being merged with, perhaps, the library to make them more "tax-friendly".
Common Council or School Board Meetings in the Fadrow Room? Hmm...that actually sounds better than the current blah environments present at both Council and Board meetings.
Do We Need Public Libraries? (Enjoy your "Tax Freeze": Part 2)
My post entitled "Enjoy your 'Tax Freeze': Part 1 - A Country Without Libraries" elicited a couple of comments from two local tax freeze advocates (they won't mind me characterizing them that way, I'm sure). Their point seemed to be; "Get into the 21st century - - we have the internet and Kind...
Greg Kowalski has shared their blog Franklin Today
Apr 27, 2011
Greg Kowalski is now following The TypePad Beta Team
Sep 5, 2010
Greg Kowalski is now following brewcitybrawler
Aug 19, 2010
Greg Kowalski is now following John Michlig
Apr 27, 2010
Greg Kowalski added a favorite at Sprawled Out: The Search for Community in the American Suburb
Apr 27, 2010
I think what some (most) people forget is the state is moving the on/offramps at 27th Street & I-94 (at the Racine County line) up to Elm Road. That interchange will also be in Oak Creek and to my knowledge Franklin taxpayers won't have to support that project via indirect methods. For that matter, neither will Oak Creek's.
I believe it to be a fair comparison to look at 27th Street and like it to Bluemound Road in Brookfield, especially with certain aldermen throwing out stats and numbers like they know the future before it's even created. Bluemound Road in Brookfield is only served by TWO interchanges - Moorland Road and Barker Road. Look at all their development over the past 20 years. Now look at 27th Street - with 3 interchanges right now (College, Rawson, and Ryan) and two proposed (Drexel and Elm). I'd argue we're already at overkill with 3. Now they're talking 5? Why would anyone even bother driving down 27th Street!?
The "Enhanced Lighting" Trojan Horse and the folly of funding the Drexel Interchange: Part 1
TOP PHOTO: Abandoned restaurant on 27th street directly across the street from the Northwestern Mutual corporate campus, 2006. ABOVE: Same abandoned restaurant, 30 minutes ago. An interesting debate is occurring in neighboring Oak Creek and Franklin regarding a proposed Interchange o...
Greg Kowalski has shared their blog Franklin Today
Apr 22, 2010
According to former EDC/CDA member Ted Grintjes, the EDC supported the Drexel Interchange concept. Or so that's what he said at Tuesday's council meeting.
Proposed agenda items for next Economic Development Meeting
Here are my submitted agenda items for the Franklin Economic Development Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, April 26 (6pm; room to be announced). I'll post the agenda when it appears; unfortunately, there is no guarantee that any of these items will appear.1) Digital Visioning Present...
Hey, now THAT is a good idea! If the current example proves anything, it looks like one-upmanship does wonders in the City of Franklin. I'm all for encouraging something similar in terms of economic development.
I think the issue pertaining to the community calendar is that residents don't really have many means to know about happenings in Franklin. Bringing a community together can be just as important as developing one. What's the saying? United we Stand, Divided we Fall? Furthermore, it can be argued along the lines of how can one develop a community when there isn't much of a community to develop in the first place, due to every being segregated into their own subdivisions.
Making technology work: Lone blogger leapfrogs city's Technology Commission
Uploaded with plasq's Skitch! Hats off to Franklin blogger Greg Kowalski for doing what the City of Franklin's Technology Commission evidently cannot; Simply visit his Franklin Today Community Meetings and Events page and you'll be presented with a GoogleCalendar interface loaded with city eve...
Considering that Michlig has been one of the very few on the EDC who speaks at meetings and proposes agenda items for EDC meetings, I think that was a little harsh.
But, you are right (and thanks for reading my website!), the EDC does need to get its act in gear. The sooner the better. Based on what I know and what I've seen at the handful of EDC meetings I've attended, I don't believe Michlig is anywhere NEAR being the problem.
Making technology work: Lone blogger leapfrogs city's Technology Commission
Uploaded with plasq's Skitch! Hats off to Franklin blogger Greg Kowalski for doing what the City of Franklin's Technology Commission evidently cannot; Simply visit his Franklin Today Community Meetings and Events page and you'll be presented with a GoogleCalendar interface loaded with city eve...
Guys - all I was trying to do was add a page to my website that promotes all the great organizations our community has, with their events and meetings for any resident to attend and learn more about them (and perhaps join!).
I'm disappointed to a certain extent that it looks like some got a little sensitive and feelings were hurt over the process. That wasn't my intention. I never expected my calendar to create negative feelings.
When the new city website is uploaded to the servers, I look forward to the "enhanced" city calendar. But please note that in the city's calendar at this time there are no mentions of any community/civic groups and their happenings. So it looks like the only way to access a calendar of events/meetings from our community organizations would still be through
Making technology work: Lone blogger leapfrogs city's Technology Commission
Uploaded with plasq's Skitch! Hats off to Franklin blogger Greg Kowalski for doing what the City of Franklin's Technology Commission evidently cannot; Simply visit his Franklin Today Community Meetings and Events page and you'll be presented with a GoogleCalendar interface loaded with city eve...
Greg Kowalski is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 8, 2009
$813 per home? That helps explain some things!
Wondering why we don't bother building community amenities anymore?
I'm long overdue in noting the unfortunate end of the Franklin Cultural Center board's efforts to fund and build an arts center here. The organization was chaired by Don Dorson (read his letter after the jump). So much for local community amenities. I also just started reading a newly published ...
Greg Kowalski has shared their blog Franklin Today
Sep 29, 2009
Yet another example of leadership not realizing that the times have past them. Perhaps term limits should be imposed on commissioners, aldermen, and the mayor's office to ensure that there will be some form of "new blood" in those positions within a certain timeframe.
To have EDC member(s?) react with an answer like that to your very valid point of filling in current vacancies only tells me that they're still thinking Franklin is in the midst of an economic development boom.
Such commissions like the EDC need to put priorities together, and put current Franklin developments first rather than on the backburner in favor of more "empty" proposals - literally.
Institutionalizing sprawl and looking past existing infrastructure
Shoppes at Wyndham Village: Fill vacant space or BUILD MORE? So, the Sentry grocery store at the corner of Rawson and 76th has announced that it will close by the end of October. The store was superfluous (throw a rock in Franklin and you'll hit a Pick n Save; I have three to choose from in ...
Greg Kowalski is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 13, 2009
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