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Wow. What fun! Wish I had taken a balloon ride when we lived in Sedona. I would see them on my morning runs. Beautiful.
Up, up and away
by Kris Neri of the Femmes Fatales I floated up where the clouds reign recently, and it was awesome. Joe and I took a hot air ballon ride through Northern Lights Balloon Expeditions in Sedona, AZ. In case you’ve ever thought you might like to try it, let me tell you about this amazing experi...
Great tips, Donna Andrews. I especially like the brainstorming on what needs to happen next.
Stupid writing tricks
by Donna Andrews of the Femmes Fatales. Every so often someone asks me if I have any advice for other writers. Trouble is, most of the really wise writing advice I come up with sounds strangely simple and stupid when I write it down. Then again, maybe that's a good thing. So in no particular or...
GregLilly is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2017
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