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New York City
Music fanatic from NYC...
Interests: My amazing family, music (obviously), health and fitness, reading, writing, travel, surfing, New York City and much more.
Recent Activity
Best of 2010
Sage Francis - Li(f)e This is his third release on Epitaph Records, and I like it better than his first Epitaph release "A Healthy Distrust" but not as much as "Human the Death Dance", his 2008 release that is currently my favortie hip hop release of all time. This record... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2011 at New York City Serenade
Song of the Day
Been loving this song lately. A classic that never sounds bad... Let's Get It On - Marvin Gaye 01 Let's Get It On Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Coalesce - The Plot Against My Love
In the late 90's there were three bands on Hydra Head Records making terrific, heavy music. Oddly enough, all of the band names began with the letter "C", Cave In, Converge and Coalesce. Cave In transformed from am intense metal band to a spacey hard rock band (very adeptly), Converge... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Gregory is now following Beauty Inspires
Sep 26, 2010
Birds of Prey - Turning Big Rocks Into Little Rocks
At my parent's recent 40th anniversary party I got to talking to one of my favorite relatives. He has been listening to hard rock and heavy metal forever and likes all kinds of good music so every time we get together we talk music. It was fun catching up and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Killswitch Engage - Numbered Days
Killswitch Engage are one of my all time favorite bands. I was first turned onto them by my friend Adam back in 2002 when their amazing, incredible, undeniable sophomore album Alive Or Just Breathing was released. That record is still to me one of the best modern metal records. It... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Rush - A Passage To Bangkok
I have been into Rush since 8th grade, when I believe my friend Pete introduced me to them. They are a great band with a massive fan base that I'd say a lot of people would say they have never heard of. Rush are known for being incredible musicians, for... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Currently listening to Van Morrison's debut record Astral Weeks. This is widely regarded as a masterpiece, I certainly think it is an amazing record, just not maybe as heralded as the critics would lead you to believe. My favorite tracks on this one are "Sweet Thing" and "The Way Young... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Francesca, Alexander and I had a great day. We played in the fountain terrace at the Museum of Natural History, played with some toys in Central Park, took a walk and a few naps. All in all it was a great day. Francesca and I are now sitting on the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Hands Tied - Nothing Can Compare
Listened to the Hands Tied self titled EP today on the subway while on my way home from work. I absolutely love this song. It reminds me of why I fell in love with punk rock and hardcore in the first place and perfectly captures that feeling I'd have after... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Record Of The Week
I recently picked up Strike Anywhere's latest record entitled Iron Front. I have been sleeping on this one for a while due to many reasons, being that it was released in October of 2009. However, I finally grabbed it and as usual for one of their records, I am extremely... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Top 5 Album-Closing Tracks
My first "Top 5" installment is a good one. In the download-heavy, itunes world the track sequencing of an album might not be deemed important by some people. However, to a person like me who still sees the album as a piece of art, this is an extremely important part... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2010 at New York City Serenade
New Record by The Gaslight Anthem
The highly anticipated new record by New Jersey's The Gaslight Anthem entitled American Slang was released June 15, 2010 on Sideonedummy Records. This is their third full-length and it is amazing. They take their blue-collar rock 'n roll with a little bit of punk rock mixed in style a step... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Gregory is now following Account Deleted
Jun 30, 2010
Comeback Kid - All In A Year
Have you ever had a record you bought, listened to with the appropriate attention and classified it in your head as a good record and then filed it away? I did that with the Canadian hardcore band Comeback Kid and their first two albums Turn It Around and Wake The... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Deftones - Saturday Night Wrist
Currently listening to the Deftones' solid 2006 record Saturday Night Wrist. Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Top Five
In the movie High Fidelity, John Cusack's character owns a record store and is obsessed with music and collecting records. He has a song for every emotion that passes through his head and a special formula for making mixes. The record store employees, who double as his best friends, spend... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Slayer - War Ensemble
When I was in 7th and 8th grade and my music obsession was in its infancy I was constantly searching for bands that I hadn't heard yet. This was in the pre-internet days so there was no Googling my way to more bands to listen to, instead what I would... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Bad Religion - A Walk
As previously mentioned, many times the music I am listening to is dictated by factors such as season, weather or time of day. Well summertime is upon us and my listening has been getting lighter and faster. Lots of fast punk rock or light-hearted rock and roll has been running... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Paint It Black - Memorial Day
We are having a great Memorial Day Weekend. Alexander was baptized on Saturday in what amounted to a perfect day filled with loved ones and smiles; and today Francesca and I saw Iron Man 2...I highly recommended it! The best part is that tomorrow is Monday and there is no... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Thin Lizzy - Boys Are Back In Town
I relate music to the seasons or time of day a lot of the time. Certain music demands to be listened to in the autumn. Some during the summer. By the same token, I have some records that don't sound nearly as good at 11am than they do at 11pm.... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Jack Johnson - Better Together
Saturday was a long day. I was gone from 9:30am and didn't get home until 1:30am that night. I was working all day, and pretty bummed I wasn't with Alexander and Francesca. On top of that we have been dealing with a ton of stressful things lately. And as I... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Rainbow - Lady of the Lake
Another Dio track??? Of course! This man is a legend and I have been listening to him on and off all week in the spirit of his passing. Rainbow was a great band, basically combining Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple with the great Ronnie James' vocals and you had a... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2010 at New York City Serenade
Black Sabbath - Neon Knights
On Sunday May 16 legendary heavy metal and hard rock singer Ronnie James Dio passed away after a short bout with stomach cancer. I always have a spot in my playlist for Dio, his vocals were incredible and he was the man who breathed new life into the greatest hard... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2010 at New York City Serenade
John Coltrane - Acknowledgement
It is late (for me anyway) on a Sunday night after a long weekend. Francesca, Alex and I had a very busy weekend that included a Saturday seeing apartments in Manhattan looking for our next place. Alex was a good boy all weekend, we were both thoroughly impressed with him... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2010 at New York City Serenade
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