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Greta G
Birmingham, England
'Great balls of fire. Don't bother me anymore, and don't call me sugar.'
Interests: just some of the inspirations: vogue, glitter, michael jackson, banksy, marilyn monroe, mac, london, alice in wonderland, nerds, coco chanel, vivienne westwood, farmers, the catcher in the rye, mean girls, some like it hot, david lachapelle, the specials, aladdin, gypsies, girl interrupted, topshop, kate moss, britney, camden, terry richardson, the queen, balmain, lady gaga, alexa chung, mario testino, yves saint laurent, marc jacobs, captain jack sparrow, gone with the wind (particularly vivien leigh as katie scarlett o'hara), karl lagerfeld, lee mcqueen, notting hill carnival, nick knight, n-dubz, cook in skins, gossip girl (more the books than the tv series), teesha moore, sky ferreira, susie bubble, birmingham, well-dressed boys, suave men, gemma ward, snazzy nails, schoolgirls, whatever happened to baby jane?, jedward, christmas jumpers, pete doherty, summer. and that's to name just a few. i'm greta, as in greta garbo. and most of the time i look like a ridiculous gypsy.
Recent Activity
Greta G is now following Joy
Mar 9, 2010
Greta G is now following daisy barringer
Mar 9, 2010
Greta G is now following meighan
Mar 9, 2010
You lucky, lucky boy. Well done, sweetie. I'm currently raging with envy. xo
1 reply
Greta G is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 9, 2010