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Child of El Gibbor
Recent Activity
Hey Sis in Law! GREAT pictures...(except for the squished dried up frog - sad!) I especially enjoyed the one of the fence in KS...if you will look on FB at MY Vacation 2010 pics, you will see nearly the SAME thing (but I DO know the story behind it - so talk to me! LOL)
Wow! Jesus says (Matt 11:28) to come to Him and He will give us rest from our labors and burdens. And in order to get that rest, He will let us share His Yoke with Him! Interesting, isn't it, that we will get rest from our burdens and labors by... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2010 at GLORIES TO GOD
"For the Grace of God that brings Salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;" Titus 2:11-12 Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at GLORIES TO GOD
I know what you mean about "just one"! As I started thinking about the ones that mean so much to mean, I realized SOOOOO many mean so much to me! Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful Word - Word of Life! I LOVE it!!
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2010 on What's Your Favorite Scripture? at GLORIES TO GOD
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at GLORIES TO GOD
Yes...! "Jesus wept." WOW - How awe-inspiring that the Almighty KING of the heavens and earth, wept for US! What pain and great love He must have felt at that time...(and still does!) And great insight of yours of the fact that, through that scripture, you know "He can relate" to us. (WHO IS THIS THAT POSTED BY THE WAY? You did not leave a name...) Thanks for posting!
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2010 on What's Your Favorite Scripture? at GLORIES TO GOD
Amen, Sister...if we would ALWAYS realize He is IN us...walking WITH us, living FOR us, taking our PROBLEMS, CARES, CONCERNS...what "Peace that passes understanding" that does bring!!! (Thanks for posting!)
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2010 on Mighty God at GLORIES TO GOD
My blogging sis-in-law told me that people might be more apt to post on my blog if I throw a question out there for them to goes: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE....AND...WHY? I actually have several scriptures that I first learned when I became a Christian 39 years ago.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2010 at GLORIES TO GOD
Isaiah 9:6 says that “Unto us (me)…” a gift was given! One of His Names is Mighty God (El Gibbor) – WOW!! He was born IN me when I accepted His Salvation/Lordship: “Christ in me, the hope of Glory” (Colossians 1:27) The Mighty God is BIG…POWERFUL…a CHAMPION! I am born... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2010 at GLORIES TO GOD
Thanks to all of you for looking at this blog and for posting a comment! :-) I found out today (from my VERY technical sis-in-law) that I only need ONE blog...and I can add new posts to it that people can comment on (instead of having to make a NEW blog for each thought/topic)...thanks for that info, Gwen! So...I will be trying to get this done up correctly...and, again, the reason for this blog is for any of you who want to post Praises, Glories, Hallelujahs! to the Lord God Almighty! Or share some insight you might have in His Word...(that is ALWAYS a good thing to share among brethren...) Or leave a testimony of His Greatness, etc... We will see how this goes... :-)
My brother told me the other day that people "blog" because of what is "in them" is "in me", I asked myself....and the answer came! "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is 'within me'...." Psalm 103:1 So, I'm going to try this blogging thing. I am going... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at GLORIES TO GOD
Child of El Gibbor is now following Gwen
Jan 10, 2010