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Northfield, MN
Weblog coach; forum moderator; citizen journalist
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griffinjay is now following JobHuntersBible Blog
Jan 25, 2010
Bob, I'd argue that from a local community perspective, it would be best to have your entire platform be deployed for an area like Northfield.
That way, the home page features could all be deployed for Northfield, ie:
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So could you license your code/platform to a local entity for installation on its own web server?
Or could you create, on your server, completely separate installations, eg:
Northfield Newsbobber
Minnesota Blog Rankings
I've built a system to rank blogs and the first version is up and running. The rankings are a work in progress, but the initial list of top blogs is interesting for sure. As far as I can tell, no one else is ranking Minnesota blogs like this. So far, I'm using four metrics: Google PageRank, i...
Hi Bob,
This is an impressive platform you've built. Nice to see Locally Grown listed at #43 in your top 100. Can we get listed in your neighborhoods directory/map mashup? Northfield (pop. 12,000) is probably similar in size to the neighborhoods. Or will you have a different listing for hyperlocal blogs by small town?
In the Northfield area there are several dozen blogs. I sort of keep track of the civic-oriented ones in a listing on our blogosphere page and we aggregate a few on our left sidebar. aggregates them all (Drupal platform) and they do some aggregation by groups in their right sidebar.
I'm guessing that most of these Northfield-area blogs would be too small/too niche-oriented for your site. So I'm wondering if you plan to make your platform available to others who might want to deploy it locally?
Minnesota Blog Rankings
I've built a system to rank blogs and the first version is up and running. The rankings are a work in progress, but the initial list of top blogs is interesting for sure. As far as I can tell, no one else is ranking Minnesota blogs like this. So far, I'm using four metrics: Google PageRank, i...
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