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Mendy Grotheer
Recent Activity
Me too, PACER! A very good day!
The Test on Tybee {13.1}
We did it!!! Mendy (the hottie neighbor) and I finished our second half marathon! I was SO freakin' full of nerves the night before and the morning of the race, ugh... I hate not being able to control my anxious brain. We spent the night on the island so Miss Priss and her pals could run the ...
Suck it Martha Stewart.
Trash to Treasure... well, something like that.
Well, they say that some of the best ideas are born out of necessity right? So last night when I was scrounging around the kitchen for a cute bowl for the chicken dip I was taking to my friends' house, I pulled this little sumthin' sumthin' out of my ass. First, I grabbed an old Country Crock c...
Mendy Grotheer is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 29, 2012
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