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John Sole
John Sole is the Founder/CEO of Guerilla Educators.
Recent Activity
The Barack Obama Green Charter High School Student Design Team
The Barack Obama Green Charter High School located in Plainfield, NJ, opened its doors in September, 2009. In that time, the school has been in 3 different locations including their present site, a converted office building in the Downtown area.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2016 at Guerilla Educators
The Temescal Sessions at WAVEFORMLESS
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Posted Mar 30, 2016 at Guerilla Educators
I truly hope this works, as advertised. I bought 2 of these eBikes, sight unseen. The price is fantastic. Now it's just a matter of whether it's a "real" thing. They have a $75,000 Indiegogo campaign through February and have... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2015 at Guerilla Educators
Guerilla Educators Blog Celebrates 8 Years!
In early November, 2006, the Guerilla Educators blog went live. This year, we celebrate our 8th year (and counting!). Here one of our first posts about a Project at a client school that included a visit between students from a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
"Dream. Design. Build."; PBL at 1st Philly High
"Dream. Design. Build.", a Project assisted by Guerrilla Educators with 10th graders from 1st Philadelphia Charter High School demonstrates the critical intersections between Project Based Learning, Community Partnerships, and STEM. "Dream" was developed as a multi-disciplinary, student-centered way to connect... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
International STEM Day at the Barack Obama Green Charter High School
Under the auspices of the International Education Services Corporation (IESC), high school students from China were hosted by students from the Barack Obama Green Charter High School for what Obama Green called International STEM Day. The activity shown in the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
Best Practices; "Imagine" Student Voices
The students at Obama Green High School share their thoughts about participating in the "Imagine" Design Project. Take a look.. Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
Best Practices; Imagine Design Project; Educator Reflections
As the "Imagine" student design renovation Project winds down, we hear from the educators at Obama Green High School about their impressions of the Project. Take a look... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
"Imagine" Design Project; Building the Model
The "Imagine" design Project continues at the Barack Obama Green Charter High School, in Plainfoeld, New Jersey. In this video, the students are thinking critically, hypothesizing, and problem solving around getting the scale determined so all of their interior renovation... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
Best Practices; "Imagine" Design Project at SSP Architectural Group
The "Imagine" Design Project continues with students from the Barack Obama Green Charter High School making a class visit to the SSP Architectural Group's offices. The students were given a tour of the work areas and were able to interact... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
"Imagine" Design Project; SketchUp Session
Students at the Barack Obama Green Charter High School continue their "Imagine" design Project. They are re-imagining their school spaces as they would like them to be. In this video, they have their first SketchUp session with Marcus and Bianca... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
Obama Green High School "Imagine" School Design Project
This video is a mash up of 2 design sessions that took place on February 26 and 27, 2014 under the guidance of architect Jay Perantoni at The Barack Obama Green Charter High School, in Plainfield, New Jersey. The video... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
Best Practices, Project based Learning; The "Imagine" Design Project
The "Imagine" Project documents the design processes between students at the Barack Obama Green Charter High School located in Plainfield New Jersey and their expert Community Partners, both real-time and virtual. Students participating in the "Imagine" Project are re-designing an... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2014 at Guerilla Educators
Design Session #3; Sustainable Design in 6th Grade
In this video, the 6th graders at East Norriton Middle School have begun constructing their sustainable, edible gingerbread houses. Their design process has included a presentation from a sustainable architect, brainstorming about materials and design, marking up images of their... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
6th Grade Design Groups; "Green" Gingerbread Houses
After Architect Dave's presentation, (click here) about the elements of susatainability and LEED, the students broke out into small working groups to begin brainstorming their gingerbread house designs. This video documents their first design session. Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Sustainably Designed Gingerbread Houses in 4 Parts; 6th Grade Science
Students at East Norriton Middle School design/built models of sustainable gingerbread houses. This kickoff event features a presentation to the 6th grade science class by the Architect, David Mazzocco. Architect Dave gives an overview of sustainability, its rationale, the 5... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
East Norriton Middle School Bullying Skits
Mrs. Sirchie's 6th grade students researched, developed, wrote, and presented their bullying skits for her Health Class at East Norriton Middle School. "Rothfeld's Reporters" from 7th grade shot the footage. A tip of the hat to Guerilla Educators for editing.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Teaching Interview Techniques in 7th Grade
This morning, Brendan Wills, the Education Reporter for the Montgomery County (PA) Times Herald paid a visit to Mrs. Margie Rothfeld's 7th grade students at East Norriton Middle School. Brandon helped Mrs. Rothfeld to teach interviewing techniques to her students.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Michael Simmons; Valedictorian of the Barack Obama Green Charter High School
Michael Simmons is the Valedictorian of First Graduating Class at Barack Obama Green Charter High School. Here are excerpts from his inspiring speech to his fellow graduates. Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Mr. Steven King; CEO, Barack Obama Green Charter High School
Steve King, Founder and incoming CEO of the Barack Obama Green Charter High School gave a powerful address to the first graduating class at Obama Green, below... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Best Practices; International "TechPals"
For much of the 2012-'13 school year, 7th grade students from the Chinese International School in Hong Kong and their US counterparts at East Norriton Middle School (ENMS), in suburban Philadelphia have been in regular communication with each other. What... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Doors at Terra Linda High School
While visiting the Marin School of Environmental Leadership at Terra Linda Hogh School, I noticed that many of the classroom doors had been turned into student developed works of art. Here is a small sample of the doors, ...and one... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
Marin School of Environmental Leadership (MSEL)
At the invitation of Cyane Dandridge, Executive Director of Strategic Energy Innovations and Co-Founder of the Marin School of Environmental Leadership, I had the opportunity to visit the school, which is located wholly within Terra Linda High School in San... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
International Student "TechPals"
Throughout much of the 2012-'13 school year, students 7th grade students at East Norriton Middle School in East Norriton, PA, have been communicating with their peers at International Schools in Hong Kong and the French Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe. What... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
On Funding Philadelphia Student Sports
I have an alternative to those in the movement afoot to, um, what's the word... oh yes! extort money from the professional Philly sports teams to pay for School District of Philadelphia sports programs. It is setting up a false... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2013 at Guerilla Educators
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