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Guilain Denisselle
Recent Activity
Hi Anna,
We're in line for your 10 points. However, on point 3, I would add that trying to transfer business from e to m without changing things/process/business approach is crazy. People don't use mobile devices as they use a PC or even their laptop. Therefore, applications shouldn't be the same, programs shouldn't be the same. It might also interfer with business models. In the hospitality tech area, many people have not understood this, yet...
Bonne année
10 technology trends for 2010 - a strategist's perspective
While I have (for good or ill) occasionally been described as ahead of my time, I resist describing myself as a futurist as the latter label sounds so pretentious. On the other hand, I do invest many hours a month reading, scanning, searching information that enables me to sense patterns so her...
Guilain Denisselle is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 15, 2010
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