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By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired When we elect people to serve in congress, we are supposed to be selecting members of community, the citizens we know and trust; people to actually represent us, personally, directly, and exactly. We were established as “sovereign citizens” with the ratification and application... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain , USMC, Retired For a bit over a week, we’ve been regaled with the partisan bickering over funding Obamacare, raising the debt ceiling and the fact we are up against a “hard break”, given the new fiscal year. This argument is over two basic things;... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired In a column the other day, excoriating the knee-jerk reaction of the left, Dr. Sowell castigated the eager to ignore the constitution politicians including the illegal alien, who suggested if he couldn’t get congress to make serious inroads in “gun control” he would... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
Our Nation had come to be considered exceptional in its first century for a number of reasons. First of all, our means of separation, our war of independence, led to no King, but a carefully crafted government designed with great consideration, and founded on sound, time proven principles. Out of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired I began life as a mechanic wearing three cornered pants, and from the first, “natural law” controlled everything I did. Being a technician means one can’t ignore or defy nature, gravity sucks, water is wet, and the earth rotates, period. By Nature, “first... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired I began life as a mechanic wearing three cornered pants, and from the first, “natural law” controlled everything I did. Being a technician means one can’t ignore or defy nature, gravity sucks, water is wet, and the earth rotates, period. By Nature, “first... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired The president was squatting down next to the young student, as he helped her sound out the word, visiting her school, getting “a feel” for things when he got the news. It set him back on his heels, and it took all his... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired We are witness to a spectacle which should have been for our amusement and edification long ago. We have perhaps the most notorious criminal element of our government highlighted for us today because the Internal Revenue Service has been caught by someone who... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired Growing up, westerns were the staple television in prime time, and there was no question why at the time, but today, given the dozens of accusations of “Americans acting Cowboy”, or “America is acting Cowboy” has been tossed around at both our military... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired The single most important aspect of the agitation of our founders against The British Empire across an ocean, dictating to us our laws absent our representation, without ever setting foot on the land here, was the seminal idea "The Great Enlightenment" provided via... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired From the beginning of the Trayvon Martin incident to the final outcome of the jury, The People of America have been manipulated by the press, by the man in the president suit, by race-baiting agitators, and by those whose sole intent was to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired From the moment the police officers arrived on the scene where Mr. Zimmerman was assaulted, beaten down, head smashed into the ground numerous times, finally shooting his six foot four assailant; every statement, every bit of evidence, all the facts of the assault... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired We have about a hundred major crisis’s on hand this day, the rising debt increasing its service cost while we don’t pay a dime on principle; just the interest. We have a central bank printing dollars and buying government bonds, as if one... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired Almost a lifetime ago, the people of America had to deal with labor organizing as it hadn’t since the depression. America was transitioning from a former agrarian society, ended by the war and the vastly different living arrangement than existed before the war,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired Let’s see now, right as just about every responsible citizen is seriously asking “just exactly what did go down in Benghazi, why were we supplying weapons to terrorists, including those in Syria”, half a dozen minor scandals break, and e-mails, twitters and some... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC Retired For the past five years, almost every bit of legislation intended to be passed by the ‘elect’ has been bitterly opposed by citizens concerned with the Nation’s debt, the standards of our Country, and founding principle. What has been planned in order to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired One of the pressing questions today, is the depth and breadth in which the central illegal government is criminally investigating and pursued various “news media” personnel. There are two major issues to be delved into, first, the fact the current administration has been... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired Internal Revenue Service Washington, D.C. Attn: Custodial Department Chief Dear Chief Custodian, I am writing to you because the recent disclosures of malfeasance in the use of the Internal Revenue Service, used by politicians to attack political enemies, means I can’t address this... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired For the last five years, we’ve been treated to the sight of a two party system with one party radicalized, fulfilling the promise of “fundamentally transforming our Nation”, while most citizens call, write and communicate with congress demanding our nation return to Law,... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunerry Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired We like to think that our form of government was designed and built to the desires and intents of the citizens who populated the “several states” existing after the war brought us independence, but the truth is, “the people” had almost no input,... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired About a million years ago, I got my first real “metal lathe” I didn’t build myself. The “engine lathe” is the mother of all machine tools. The first machine tool, it is the only one which can build its self, and its primary... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired “I’ve got vision and the whole world’s wearing bifocals” Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid About six months ago, I replaced my monitor four times in three days. Looking at the original receipt, realizing it was eight years old, I chose to buy... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired Last week, a retired Master Sergeant, Iraq and Afghanistan multiple tours in each veteran, was taking his son on a hike as part of his son’s work to earn his “Hiking merit badge” in the desert land in Texas. He took a handgun... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired With the events which purportedly took place at a school in Sandy Hook, we received an instant, knee jerk reaction; it’s time to ban guns, especially automatics, and assault weapons, no one needs thirty bullets to hunt, all the standard malarkey. Such things... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk
By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired The founding premise of the issue of homosexual marriage and the entire “normalization” of homosexuality is the suggestion homosexuals don’t have equal rights as people, and are by this way discriminated against. If I can leave aside the religious issue for the moment,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2013 at Gulf1 - C - From the Gunny's Desk