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Guy Watts
Recent Activity
Guy Watts is now following Russ Jefferys
May 13, 2010
James - I agree there is definately a limit to the material you should publish and send out before you start producing a negative message. However I dont agree that you should base this on trial and error. That could result in brand degradation if you got it wrong - you need to look at existing examples of good practice such as the above example Russ mentioned and follow there strategy, making tweaks along the way!
If only there was a boot camp for out-of-shape brands... Perhaps this could be your next venture?
Guy Watts - /
Bikini Blitz for Brands
I'll admit that I'm not exactly the target demographic for the women-only outdoor group-fitness people Fit For a Princess. But my wife-to-be is and it was with some excitement that she removed the bright pink flyer from our doormat and set about investigating their Bikini Blitz promotion. The c...
Guy Watts is now following The Typepad Team
May 13, 2010
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