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Guy Platt
Recent Activity
An interesting read, and my first reaction to your post was one of what if the title was something different, would one still feel the same way about the photo?
Then my second thought was that all photos of living people could have the same title, as of course we are all going to die, whether it is today or in the next 100 years. So actually it is not even the title of the image which gives the meaning, one also has to read the description.
The Dying Minister Picture
Photo by Jachin Mandeno "Here we see a terminally ill minister (left) and a church elder discussing with church members the future of the church: what will happen when the minister is deceased? The minister was shorn by chemotherapy; and the elder shaved his head in solidarity. This photo was ...
I agree with you that the grinder is the most important purchase (I wish I'd seen your post before buying one for 5 times the price).
What type of coffee do you typically drink and what other gear have you bought?
Open Mike: Coffee 'n' the Car
Coffee I won't be writing a lot more on coffee, and there's a reason for that. I've raised my game considerably when it comes to my morning cup: I'm now roasting all my own coffee; I got myself a good burr grinder (the #1 most important purchase if you want good coffee), and I've put together a...
Guy Platt is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 30, 2012
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