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I was born with a pair of scissors in both hands. I love to cut. And cut up. And make things out of the stuff I cut. And the stuff I cut up.
Interests: paper arts, drawing, sewing, reading, and playing with words
Recent Activity
I got a PlayStation for Christmas!
Actually, I made a play station for Christmas. Because, at this time of year, it's not enough to have a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2018 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Come Closer
...upbraid me for all my faults and failures Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2018 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Yea, though I walk...
A morning or two ago, I was reading Psalm 23 before Miles and I set out for our walk on... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2018 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Still Searching
Ple*se pr*y *or me... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2018 at You Can Call Me Gwen
On a treadmill at the gym.
And I hate it. Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
A Word on Help, Rilke, and The Mad Hatter more peaceably and fruitfully... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Happy Valentine's Day, Vase Included!
We have been laughing... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
1. I'm sorry.
2. Yes.
3. Apparently. If they're incredible, anyway.
4. I confess to two walks today and many other things to keep me from being indoors. I had to tell Prince Charming that I know I should cook that chicken in the fridge, I know we are going to need dinner, I know I need to do laundry, but I. Just. Cannot. Go. Inside. Pleas don't make me.
Cast your optics (and fire away).
Dear Reader, I was just minding my own business this morning; savoring that luxurious second cup of coffee and working the daily crossword. Yes, in ink. Yes, (yes!) in red ink; it's February! I guess I was pondering a more difficult clue when it happened. The insert from today's paper a...
Cast your optics (and fire away).
You deserve it. Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
I've Got Joy
'Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.' Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Be Careful
...time to shake up the 'real' color and get to work... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
I'm so glad you found the tutorial both helpful and inspiring. Have fun making your very own! Thank you for stopping to comment; it is the inspiration for posting!
Pincushion Ring(ssssss)
I like bowls. I like bowls full of good things. Zero-calorie bowlfuls of good things? Just lovely. Sometimes I make a lot of something(s) just so I can have a bowlful. Like this: It's my bowlful of pincushion rings. I only have ten fingers, but I've got nearly thirty rings now. A bowl...
Down by the River
Johnny broke a bottle and he blamed it on me. Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
I feel better now. Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
There Will Come a Day
What will you do? Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2017 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Oh, Jenny, life is so full of unexpected things. I can't take them to Disneyland or buy them expensive gifts, but God lets me have an awful lot of fun with these children!
Custom Flooring
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I had a friend who was replacing her parquet floor. I asked her to save some pieces for me, thinking I would use them to mend a bad spot in our own floor while we wait for the happy day when we replace ours. The bad spot was in a corner behind and un...
They are very "in the moment" and I love that about children. You never know what they'll remember or what they'll think is a big deal, but they enjoyed making their mark!
Custom Flooring
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I had a friend who was replacing her parquet floor. I asked her to save some pieces for me, thinking I would use them to mend a bad spot in our own floor while we wait for the happy day when we replace ours. The bad spot was in a corner behind and un...
Yes! I wonder if we'll ever see that again. It's time to replace that floor...
Custom Flooring
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I had a friend who was replacing her parquet floor. I asked her to save some pieces for me, thinking I would use them to mend a bad spot in our own floor while we wait for the happy day when we replace ours. The bad spot was in a corner behind and un...
Cheap thrills at Pretty's Place! 😉
Custom Flooring
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I had a friend who was replacing her parquet floor. I asked her to save some pieces for me, thinking I would use them to mend a bad spot in our own floor while we wait for the happy day when we replace ours. The bad spot was in a corner behind and un...
Custom Flooring
...the most interesting and unique custom parquet floor "in the whole world on earth" Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2016 at You Can Call Me Gwen
I'm always glad when you love anything I've done and, yes, they do bring happiness.
Canvas Trees
Yesterday morning, during my walk on the mean streets, I picked up a handful of magnolia leaves. I was remembering something beautiful I'd seen here. I messed about in my studio for just a bit this morning. I want to go back. Soon. With a few leaves from all the trees in the neighborh...
Well, there is that about those sturdy magnolia leaves, lol. But they sure make a nice canvas! Thank you for the lovely comment!
Canvas Trees
Yesterday morning, during my walk on the mean streets, I picked up a handful of magnolia leaves. I was remembering something beautiful I'd seen here. I messed about in my studio for just a bit this morning. I want to go back. Soon. With a few leaves from all the trees in the neighborh...
You think I'm gorgeous?!? Oh. Wait. You meant the leaves. Yes, God gave us the beautiful magnolia leaves. I may keep my neighbors from having to rake...
Canvas Trees
Yesterday morning, during my walk on the mean streets, I picked up a handful of magnolia leaves. I was remembering something beautiful I'd seen here. I messed about in my studio for just a bit this morning. I want to go back. Soon. With a few leaves from all the trees in the neighborh...
Canvas Trees
I want to go back. Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2016 at You Can Call Me Gwen
Fat Free Krispy Kreme Donuts
...seems like a pipe dream, doesn't it? Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2016 at You Can Call Me Gwen
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