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May 20, 2011
There's also the "maxi" dress. Equivalent of the "overnight" maxi, perhaps? I'm with Eden, dying over the Elfen cookie hat! I'm 5'2" and I have one "maxi" dress; still unworn, waiting to be CPR'd back to life if and when I do. The Significant Other thinks it will make me look sexy, but then anything that shows cleavage is deemed sexy by this man, and I'm just not sure I can pull it off. It was a gift from my sister and to make it even more of a challenge, it's an animal print one. Grief.
Toggle Commented May 4, 2011 on Choice of Names at The Ole Master Plan
Even though I would not have joined you for the viewing of the royal wedding, I would indeed have attended a breakfast of pancakes and tea! Can those kitties be any cuter! I love the haiku, especially the line of Posh Spice! That woman is absolutely hideous! :)
I'm new to your blog but I wanted to drop by and say I find your writing style very easy to follow. The posts are both engaging and descriptive. I think I'll hang around! Bella
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2010 on Summer reading spree at The Pretty Pear
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Jun 23, 2010