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May 20, 2011
There's also the "maxi" dress. Equivalent of the "overnight" maxi, perhaps? I'm with Eden, dying over the Elfen cookie hat! I'm 5'2" and I have one "maxi" dress; still unworn, waiting to be CPR'd back to life if and when I do. The Significant Other thinks it will make me look sexy, but then anything that shows cleavage is deemed sexy by this man, and I'm just not sure I can pull it off. It was a gift from my sister and to make it even more of a challenge, it's an animal print one. Grief.
Choice of Names
No, not for characters, as I posted a few weeks ago in Writing. In advertising. In retail, to be more precise. Ladies, what do you picture when you hear the work "maxi?" Uh, huh. I thought so. Me too. So, what brainchild in Fashion took a look at the new, full, granola skirts gracing ev...
Even though I would not have joined you for the viewing of the royal wedding, I would indeed have attended a breakfast of pancakes and tea! Can those kitties be any cuter! I love the haiku, especially the line of Posh Spice! That woman is absolutely hideous! :)
The Morning After... And Royal Haiku!
Yes, my eyelids are puffy. Yes, I'm still in my jammies because getting dressed seems Hard. Yes, the pageantry was lost on the kitties. But I upheld tradition! And I did it with blueberry pancakes and tea. Not exactly a Yorkshire pudding, I grant you, but it made me happy. Favorite Mo...
I'm new to your blog but I wanted to drop by and say I find your writing style very easy to follow. The posts are both engaging and descriptive. I think I'll hang around!
Summer reading spree
I've been trying to read more lately, just so my brain doesn't rot, I guess! I'm hoping you have some great recommendations. First, here's what I've been reading: Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything by Geneen Roth I want to write out all of my thoughts about this book but ... is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 23, 2010
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