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Georgia State.
A regular rap dude at the end of a blog post.
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None of us really know what the label is looking at when investing in Banks. There's a machine that still runs a big part of what we're forced to hear and the majority of the people who buy records, aren't on the web looking for them. Certainly the internet has put a hole retail sales but a lot of money is still being made. They were making ridiculous amounts to begin with.
50's camp can go 100% indie if they wanted but, they're in the business of using other people's money to make more for themselves. It's just like the stock market. Why go in a hole at your own expense when you can get paid for letting someone else do it?
Lloyd Banks Unloads His Record Deal Demands, "You're Not Taking My Publishing, Merchandise Or Touring" [Video]
G-Unit's Lloyd Banks recently revealed his terms for signing a new record contract and possibly returning to Interscope.
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Jun 24, 2010
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