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Cincinnati/Columbus, OH
English major-turned hand model
Recent Activity
Rose is now following Ally Hanes
Aug 3, 2010
Rose is now following Eleanor Kelley-Swift
Aug 2, 2010
We did my hand shots a couple weeks before school got out, at Essex Studios in Clifton. Essex is an old button factory-turned "artist group" warehouse. It is divided into 15 x 15 rooms with cement floors, separated by cement-brick walls that don't quite reach the ceiling. Its age is... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2010 at Handjobs
I am working on my next post. But now, to hold you over until I get around to it, I present early evidence I found in my basement of my inherent talent at modeling. I have no idea why my mom indulged my impressionable self in such a photoshoot; I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2010 at Handjobs
In order to sign with Cincinnati’s main modeling agency, you need two types of photos: a close-up and a full-body shot. Since I was doing hands, I figured I would have my sister take a picture of me holding shit (it becomes increasingly clearer that hand modeling is about holding... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2010 at Handjobs
Rose is now following Suzy Evans
May 23, 2010
My mother has always said that I should be a hand model. “You should be a hand model,” she says as I flex my long, shapely fingers, which are useful for things like holding teacups daintily and winning thumb wars. “Oh Mother,” I demur as I inspect my cuticles and... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2010 at Handjobs
Rose is now following Bennett Nestok
May 20, 2010
Rose is now following Jane (sea of shoes)
May 19, 2010
My father detests any job-related complaints. When he was my age he would stand on girders and sandblast paint off of bridges, or work the midnight-to-five at the nearby plastic factory for a dollar twenty-five an hour. “That was the seventies, Dad,” I like to complain, as I prance around... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at Handjobs
Rose is now following The Typepad Team
May 17, 2010