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Curiously loyal to the southside of Atlanta.
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Hi Emmett, I haven't tried to find the cemetery on foot. Franklin Garrett documented it as "on high ground in the center of the Village in Land Lot #33." When I compare Historic Aerials photos of the site with current satellite images, it doesn't look promising.
Hi Brenda, Thanks for your interest. The high chair sold soon after I posted this back in 2008. This is a really old blog.
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2015 on Jetsom at Stumptown, GA
Hi Rick, Thank you for reading. My ATLMaps project is located here: You may be able to locate your old home on the 1967 Airport Area Map overlay. Additionally, check out the maps and photos on Historic Aerials: Facebook groups are also a great resource. I am amazed by the photos and memories posted on the Mountain View and Clayton County groups. Mountain View is here: You Might be from Clayton County, GA if... Most of my research came from these sites and the GSU digital archives: Good luck!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2015 on I wish ATL had an observation deck at Stumptown, GA
Thanks, Brian. That is so cool. I would love to see those plans! It's disappointing that the airport wasn't willing to make the investment. It could be a unique cultural landmark that improves property values and the image of the airport. I'm hopeful that the Aerotropolis Alliance can take on these kinds of collaborative projects.
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2015 on I wish ATL had an observation deck at Stumptown, GA
Jeff, thanks for your comment and the link to that amazing photo archive. I continued digging into my questions and just wrote a follow-up post. Although I have been able to find some of the history and details about City Hall Annex online, there's very little recent thinking or news about the place, which makes it feel like it's slipping into anonymity. which in Atlanta, means that the building could vanish any time.
Toggle Commented Apr 4, 2013 on Atlanta City Hall Annex (1989) at Stumptown, GA
10 cents! That's great. Can you remember what year they renumbered the houses on your street? I love learning these details.
Toggle Commented Jun 6, 2012 on Memorial for a Swimming Pool at Stumptown, GA
Dennis - You can use my Mountain View photos. Please credit Jason Palmer. Can't wait to see the revised wikipedia entry!
Toggle Commented Nov 9, 2011 on Set in Stone at Stumptown, GA
Hi Beverly! Thanks for the inside scoop on the publication of the book. Like Peggy Smith Perry, I'm grateful for the work you did compiling this FP history and I'm proud to have the book in my personal library. If my original blog post sounds critical, it's just because I feel we've only begun to scratch the surface of a rich and difficult story. It's a tough task.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on Stumptown: The Book at Stumptown, GA
Hi Hal, thanks for reading! I'm not familiar with the Hanger Hotel... but my high school prom was held at the Airport Hilton! Atlanta Time Machine has a fantastic collection of photos and information about airport area businesses. Wish I knew more... Maybe the folks at the Hapeville Depot Museum would?
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2010 on Airport Remains at Stumptown, GA
Jeff– Thanks for sharing your memories of Mountain View. I recently read an AJC article that said the city was "abandoned by homeowners," which I thought was funny because everyone I knew from Mountain View certainly felt "forced out." It's a complicated story that's still untold. RyanW– The contested property in CP is bordered by Princeton Ave to the north and Camp Creek Parkway to the south. On Google Maps, you can see the wooded area and the foundations of houses. When we made this visit last September, it was easy to enter from any street. I returned in the Spring and some of the roads were blocked off while sewer construction work was underway. Good luck!
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2010 on Secret Blight at Stumptown, GA
Hey Jeannie, thanks for the link and all your encouraging comments over on Stumptown. Pleased to "meet" you! Excuse me while I get lost in on your site for a while. -Hannah
David, Thanks for all the great links, you are a goldmine! So what I really want to know is... why were these remnants left behind? Everything disappears in Atlanta, why not those silly entrance/exit ramps?
Toggle Commented Sep 3, 2010 on Airport Remains at Stumptown, GA
Thanks Patrick. I spend a lot of time puzzling out the Atlanta Airport, so I often wonder how its growth compares to others around the world...
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2010 on Observation Decks at Stumptown, GA
Perry– thanks so much for naming those streets. My grandparents rented a house on Bell Street in College Park before moving to Forest Park. I never thought of showing them this photo, but now I will. I would love to find more old photos of this neighborhood...
Toggle Commented Aug 17, 2010 on Atlanta Airport 1969 at Stumptown, GA
Thanks V. I feel like these graveyards are even more quiet and sealed off because of the deadspace created by freeways and industrial development, which is an odd kind of benefit.
Toggle Commented Aug 13, 2010 on Set in Stone at Stumptown, GA
Hey Uncle Dan, thanks for reading and commenting. I might be due to reread that book. Want to know a secret? That water tower on my masthead is on the former grounds of Prestolite in East Point. Just a little trivia...
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2010 on Reading at Stumptown, GA
hi hakebar, you're going to fall in love with this crazy place. Seems like mostly contractors and restaurants shop here, so you can get wholesale prices. The nursery stalls have the best prices and selection on plants, trees, and mulch year-round. It's worth the trek to find pumpkins in October and Christmas trees in December. As far as produce goes, just arrive early so your fruits and veggies haven't been sitting in the heat all day. Take photos!
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2010 on Before / After at Stumptown, GA
Flora– Thanks for the details. Turns out there's lots of interest in these old cemeteries. In some cases, they are all that remains (no pun intended) of the former communities...
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2010 on Stumptown Walking Tours at Stumptown, GA
Thanks Trisha! Interesting that this is a "memorial" cemetery. Let's go explore this spot soon. Email me: hannah (at) strongsilent (dot) com
Toggle Commented Jun 22, 2010 on Holdouts at Stumptown, GA
Trisha– me too! Thanks for the assignment...
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2010 on Holdouts at Stumptown, GA
Chuck! Thanks for the encouragement
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2010 on Holdouts at Stumptown, GA
HB: "gnawing metaphor" is right! Lila: I should've known you'd have the scoop! But I wonder which city has initiated such a costly project– CP or Atlanta?
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on Pipe Dreams at Stumptown, GA
hmm, good point. "blight" doesn't really apply to these 2 images. A better word might be "desolate."
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on Pictures of nothing at Stumptown, GA
wow, I never questioned the date. Sounds like you guys have it nailed. I found the photo and caption in the AJC archives, but surely it's an error. Time to do some more digging!
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2010 on Atlanta Airport 1969 at Stumptown, GA
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Mar 15, 2010