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great answer!!
The Third Wheel
You all knew this post was coming. It was only a matter of time before I addressed my loving daughter's evolution into something more commonly known as "Daddy's Little Girl". I thought that maybe Mazzy would eschew stereotypes and opt for a more original lot in life, but alas— no such luck. My...
My daughter is the same.
I live for the "mommy" moments but act totally cool when she only wants daddy.
The other day she said, "Mommy, I love you." I thought, "OMG - she is so sweet, she does love me!"
and then she adds..."I love everybody!"
hhhmmm, wait a minute...
The Third Wheel
You all knew this post was coming. It was only a matter of time before I addressed my loving daughter's evolution into something more commonly known as "Daddy's Little Girl". I thought that maybe Mazzy would eschew stereotypes and opt for a more original lot in life, but alas— no such luck. My...
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Cool Camera Bag Giveaway!
It's been a common complaint for us DSLR-toting ladies: traditional camera bags are ugly, unwieldy,
Love the Libby !!
[email protected]
Cool Camera Bag Giveaway!
It's been a common complaint for us DSLR-toting ladies: traditional camera bags are ugly, unwieldy, is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 4, 2011
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