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Zurich, Switzerland
Recent Activity
one thought concerning "I'm not sure I see how the iPad moves forward when it offers a limited version of word processing, a limited version of spreadsheeting, ..."
Well, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are not limited versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint - it's just newer software without the ballast weight added during the last 3 decades - and for that matter it's not that widespread (as it only has lived on Mac OS until now).
What exactly are you missing in Pages?
I learn about the iPad
This is the tale of a young boy (ahem) learning about the new shiny toy. Last night I watched the entire iPad Tips and Tricks training for the iPad. It is definitely a cool device and has lots and lots of "wow-factor" built in. But, I found myself thinking about actually using it for ...
Morten, all the best! This is one of those moments in life ;)
Back at the Rebel base
This blogger has moved! I want to invite you to my new gig over at Rift Labs. We are devloping Open Source Hardware for photographers. Come join us if you are into UX, design or photography at some level. Visit Rift Labs OK, so you thought this blog was dead? Hah! You were right. (...
haraldf is now following Morten Hjerde
Jul 19, 2010
haraldf is now following Vitali Prokopenko
Jul 5, 2010
haraldf is now following Brooks Jensen
Jul 5, 2010
haraldf is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 5, 2010
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