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Charles Hardy
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Charles Hardy is now following S.C. PrettyWoman
Jun 11, 2010
"Stillmatic" and "Lost Tapes" are classic. Some feel "It Was Written" is classic, while "Untitled" and "Hip Hop is Dead" were great albums. Nas and Damian Marley may have dropped the album of the year thus far. On top of all that, Nas has had much better work than Jay Z ever since he dropped "Stillmatic".
1 reply
This shit is weak as hell! Stop hating, clown! If you want to compare Nas's sales to Meth and Rae, you'll have to compare solo records. As far as collab records, Distant Relatives outsold Wu Massacre by a lot! Just in case you didn't know, Wu Massacre is a collab record with Meth, Rae, and Ghost. You're just an idiot! Get a life and quit hating.
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Charles Hardy is now following The Typepad Team
May 24, 2010