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Ottawa/Kingston/Toronto [or anywhere where Metric plays haha]
Recent Activity
So guess who will be buying presale tickets the second they go on sale tomorrow for the toronto show? also, guess who will arrive several hours before AGAIN just to be front row for the most incredibly talented band ever?... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at Metric
I concur! You we're all amazing! The fact that none of you really stopped smiling made me so happy!! Thanks again for the stunning show!
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2010 on KIngston delivers! Excellent night... at Metric
1 reply
Update: did it! 6 hours with great friends and new friends : ) Best night of my life. I was front and centre for the whole night, and got to see a private Arkells preview show and got on the radio hahaha It was fantastic!!
One week from tomorrow I'll be front and center! I'm actually missing a whole day of college including clinic [which someone should *never* miss] and ill be waiting in line several hours before. I would normally never do this, however... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2010 at Metric
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Mar 9, 2010
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Mar 9, 2010