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Harold Check
San Francisco
Recent Activity
Let's Get Creative
Let's Get Creative via Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 1, 2023 at For Matilda
Fourth Grade, Energy & Power Science Projects
via Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 7, 2023 at For Matilda
Why Rivers Move
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Reblogged Mar 7, 2023 at For Matilda
3D Hydroelectric power plant by Palo99 - Thingiverse
This is a stylized reproduction of a functioning hydroelectric plant. It can get about 3/4 volt with 0.9 A . I created it for a contest in my school and I used only:A plexiglass cylinder;Some pipe;A resistant glue;Some BallBearings and rods;A dynamo (without internal resistance to get more energy);A wood... Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 7, 2023 at For Matilda
Ep 038: Long Time No Shift
Long Time No Shift Episode 38 (click to play/pause) Nicole and Harold talk about the changes in their viewing habits that have come about in the past two-and-a-half years. They also muse about some of their current favorite shows. Plus,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2012 at Shifting Channels
Harold Check added a favorite at
Jan 2, 2012
Have you read his book about Baseball Blunders? It's pretty great.
"We're not doing our jobs if we let it slide"
Rob Neyer once alienated a colleague by commenting on his story instead of addressing him directly: Without meaning to, over the years I'd annoyed most of my other colleagues ... and nearly all of them with reputations as incredibly nice guys. So I figured it must be me. I hastily e-mailed this...
Prettty colors.
what kind of serger is that?
Harold Check is now following Kokochi
Dec 31, 2010
That's excellent! Congrats!!!
Introducing Tesla's little sister
As a last update before our annual holiday card gets posted, finally, I am ready to share that we're expecting Tesla's little sister in May!!! We are thrilled to bits. I am already almost 5 months, and would have shared earlier, but had some reasons. One was I had a miscarriage earlier. I actual...
Hey. Just saw this. Only drawback is no male descendants will ever be named Richard. Small price to pay for a cool name. Congrats.
Meet the Graysons
So we had a number of options. She could take my name. Not down with that. Fair enough. I could take her name. No, thank you. Also fair. We could give the kid one name or the other. The odd one out on that approach doesn’t really feel like part of the family. So scratch that. We could hyphenate. ...
How do you reconcile imposing a tax that would most heavily impact those with less social privilege? Surely you're not suggesting that it's fair since Web 2.Farmville lets them pay with their time, attention, and marketing abilities? I kind of hope that this is just another delightful Anil Dash thought exercise.
Imposing a Metcalfe Tax
Bob Metcalfe's most famous pronouncement is known these days as Metcalfe's Law, the idea that the value of a network increases with the scale of its number of members. Metcalfe formulated this concept in the context of telecommunications networks, but it is broadly applied to online social netwo...
I've DLed the client and I'm excited to spend more time with it. That said, I already have some hopefully constructive feedback. Where is that most effectively deposited? Respond to link in iTunes store? That would be my guess.
Gourmet Live and Rewarding Experiences
The short version: Gourmet Live, the new iPad app that reimagines Gourmet as a sort of massively multiplayer magazine, is live. I've been working on this for the past six months, and I'm enormously proud of it, so if you've got an iPad, you should go
Jenny got a bike a few weeks ago. We've been biking a lot, lately. It's the year of the bike.
A Magical Bicycle
I rode a bike for the first time ever on the streets of New York City today (thanks, Adriana!). It was only a few blocks, but I instantly felt the same sense of joy I did as a kid when a bicycle meant freedom and I spent most of the summer riding around the neighborhood with friends. I hope that...
Amen brother.
Afghan Whigs - "Miles iz Ded", live
I listened to this on the way in to work this morning. So good.
Spoon's new album is actually plenty good. (Let's hear your rock and roll record, Mr. "Mat Honan.") However, If it doesn't float yr boat, that's fine. He is right about new Yeasayer, which is delightfully weird and intriguing. But will the novelty wear off after a few weeks? Coming up on a new Shout Out Louds album next week. Should be pretty swede.
This project is starting to drive me crazy. I am used to going on jags listening to one band, especially something I'm familiar with and diving into bootlegs or an album of theirs I never really got into. Or finally listening to a band I never paid attention to and going through their whole catal...
wet socks are not hot-swappable.
Do not microwave socks
... it does not end well. I tried to dry my rain-soaked socks, discreetly, in the Six Apart office microwave. Now my socks are burnt, everyone is talking about the smell, and I'm kind of obligated to blog about it.
remixes please.
Oxford Comma, performed by me
This is me, playing Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend on ukulele. I was left alone in the house for a few hours yesterday, so I busted out Garage Band and recorded. Vocals, background vocals, ukulele, bass, and drums (my chest and the bathroom counter top) are all me. It's sloppy. Next time I'll u...
Is this a roundabout way of saying you're expecting?
I hope we have offspring that can dance
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