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Harpy Lee
Location - Hmm, in front of the computer?
love hating on some pop, hate that I love other pop - Mama Pop rocks!
Recent Activity
Harpy Lee added a link at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Apr 12, 2010
No title
Ross sisters - Solid Potato Salad (VHS quality)
Harpy Lee added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 25, 2010
Harpy Lee added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 19, 2010
First pic is "Mad Max's Constipated Gay Son"
Second pic is "KISS themed Gay Porn"
Adam Lambert Performs In Toyko, Is Freaking Me Out A Bit
I need some help coming up with a description of this outfit that does it justice... [At Club Eleven last night (which is this morning) in Toyko:] Uhhh... How would you describe that, ahem, "look"? Anyone? . . . . . Sweetney is a writer, geek, and professional smartass from beautiful...
Harpy Lee added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 12, 2010
Your shades kill, your 'tude is f'shizzle, but you must admit, my hoody rocks some ass.
No title
Today in "You Don't Say?!": Roman Polanski Edition
*Disclaimer: This post includes references to sexual violence that may be triggering to some readers* Reading some current events today, I encountered a headline that punched me in the face and kicked me square in the doughiest section of my ass. And then my head exploded, making my Red Bull...
Hmm, good point. I just assumed by the decor, that this is a she, because a he, would probably have a chandelier in his bathroom, well maybe not, but would most likely NOT have that sad ivy plant and childlike animal tiles in the shower.
Billy Jean
I think the fact that she knows no English except "Billy Jean" makes it extra surreal.
Billy Jean
Harpy Lee shared a video on YouTube
at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 8, 2010
Harpy Lee is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 4, 2010
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