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Hogwarts Grounds
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Hello, @Cheryl marzano. Most of the #FarmVille2OnWeb features are slowly released by the team to avoid affecting the game's stability. I suggest that you regularly visit your Farm as it may pop up in it soon. Thank you for understanding.
Toggle Commented Dec 26, 2018 on One Stop Shop! at FarmVille 2
Apologies for having experienced this, Farmers. Zynga and @farmville2 does not support cheating in any form. If you encounter similar suspicious players, we suggest contacting our Community Moderators ( and include your Player ID ( for further investigation. Thank you.
This feature has already started, @Amala J. You may have to regularly check your Farm as the team is slowly releasing this to everyone to avoid affecting the game's stability. Thank you for understanding.
Toggle Commented Dec 5, 2018 on Winter Greenhouse! at FarmVille 2
Courtney is correct, Gladys. You can obtain Olive Oil by sending Farmhands to the Snowman's Pier. You can also find some by opening tiles in the Frozen Forest. Here's an article from the team regarding this ( Thank you.
Toggle Commented Nov 28, 2018 on A Reindeer's Tale at FarmVille 2
Hello, Farmers. The team is already aware of this issue and they're working on resolving it. In the meantime, you may check our Hot Topics section ( for updates regarding this. Thank you for understanding.
Toggle Commented Nov 28, 2018 on A Reindeer's Tale at FarmVille 2
We appreciate your feedback, Dillon. While Adobe is pulling out its Flash support for most of the browsers, the team needed a substitute. They came up with the FarmVille2 X-Press extension, which is a safe alternative and will let you have a seamless farming experience. Thank you.
Hello, @Rhonda. The team releases features slowly to players to ensure the game's stability. I suggest that you regularly check your Farm as it may arrive in it soon. Thank you for understanding.
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2017 on Carma-Carma-Caramel! at FarmVille 2
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Feb 10, 2016