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Harvy Singh
Recent Activity
What the fuck... Never thought I would see a dolphin making sweet love to a headless fish.
In support of Peter's comment, Wildboyz the movie would be brilliant! What are the odds of it happening??
they're not pink dolphins for nothing!
Back in their hey-day the Wildboyz had a fair share of marine encounters—for instance, the above intimate Thai tryst with Chris Pontius and a king-size Mekong catfish—but, oddly enough, dolphins were few and far between and never of the communal nature in which we'd dreamed. Well, should the...
Oh the modest staff at the house of dick. His appearances on jackass and wildboyz were the big-time!! Never mind all the clueless teens watching america's got talent.
david weathers on america's got talent tonight!
You've seen him for years making guest spots on Wildboyz and jackass in all the right snakey places (hi, Bam!), but this evening you can find David "The Cobra Kid" Weathers taking his venomous snake craze to the big-time on America's Got Talent. See what herpetological horrors he comes up with ...
Happy Birthday Shanna, I hope she enjoyed that badass cake!
happy birthday to shanna!
Or should I say, Madame Producer? If anything this all should've been said yesterday when it was officially her birthday, but for the record I understand how all this cake business works—it's a late afternoon thing by the time it gets all baked, delivered, candled, and blown—and it makes virtu...
There's a popular drink called Tango, and a few years ago they had famous adverts in which they would cover someone in the drink turning them orange, with the phrase You've been Tango'd.
And since, it has often been used as a phrase to take the piss out of people who are overly fake tanned, have too much make up etc
Whatever happened to Jeff here I'm not sure lol
last call: the nitro circus 3D pre-premiere
This past Wednesday night in Hollywoodland marked the first real unveiling of Nitro Circus the Movie 3D at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. The movie doesn't officially open nationwide until August 8, 2012, but timing is everything in the extreme—EXTREME!—arena, so what with the X-Games about to go ...
Holy shit who Tango'd Jeff?
Anyway Nitro Circus 3D looks like it's going to be awesome!
last call: the nitro circus 3D pre-premiere
This past Wednesday night in Hollywoodland marked the first real unveiling of Nitro Circus the Movie 3D at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. The movie doesn't officially open nationwide until August 8, 2012, but timing is everything in the extreme—EXTREME!—arena, so what with the X-Games about to go ...
What a shot!
Love Dimitry's laugh at the end
summer funnin' with dimitry
Whee! Not to take the word away from Lauren Graham (no, not the Gilmour Girl, I'm talking about the other B N' C), but it's summertime in the northern hemisphere and that translates to nothing less than a metric butt ton of hot dogs, apple pie, and other pastime odes to Americana. Instead of tak...
Great story man. RIP Dunn, we all miss you a shit ton.
in memory of ryan dunn, pt. 24—joe devito
I meant to post this yesterday, but due to certain on the road circumstances of a Kerouwackian nature I was prohibited from doing so. For the record, and giving due credit in a world where credit is no longer considered the proper thing to do, it is a "re-post" from Joe Devito's blog: http://cap...
It still seems unreal to me that Ryan Dunn has passed away even though it's been a year. A lot of people I've spoke to who are CKY and jackass fans like me say they feel like they have lost a close friend even though they never met him. I've been watching jackass and CKY for around 12 years and it does feel that way to me too.
But one thing that the cky and jackass crew can say, is that they have lived life to the full and been lucky enough to make a living out of hanging out with their best friends. Knoxville mentioned that Dunn said something along the lines of he's done everything he wanted to do in life, every other day is just a bonus. And that if he died the next day he would have no regrets.
And obviously that doesn't make up for anything but it almost makes it easier to think about for some people, knowing that he felt that way and he was happy. Not many people can genuinely say that and mean it.
I try not to think so much about the loss of Dunn, of course it is a huge loss! but I always remember all the funny and crazy things those guys did together which their friends, family and fans will never forget. Like pissing on Dico's face in Iceland, jumping in the shit tanks in West Chester and shoving a toy car up his ass (I've never looked at toy cars in the same way since jackass 1) I can't my imagine life without CKY and jackass... it would be so, so boring.
Watching jackass and cky never gets boring, so thanks to those guys and to Ryan Dunn for all the funny, crazy, weird and ridiculous memories over the years.
RIP Random Hero!
never forget
Impossible to forget about Ryan Dunn.
Thanks for all the great memories and the laughs. Better to think about the good times Ryan had and that he and all those guys have lived life to the full. Whoever knew him in person was so lucky, but for a lot of us fans growing up watching CKY and Jackass, it does feel like a close friend has been lost.
RIP Dunn
Made a tribute pic myself the other day:
never forget
Happy Birthday Steve-O!!
You gotta come to Nottingham again, awesome seeing you in Rock City last year!!
happy birthday to steve-o!
Steve-O has blown out so many things in his lifetime that birthday candles must, at this point, be a relative piece of cake. Sure, there are more now to contend with than before, but what's one measly candle compared to everything from wasabi to curry to per-per-perspiration that has gone out ...
And damn that was one hell of a fall, hope he makes a good recovery after that!
The pics from the ball game in memory of Dunn look great, and it was such a good way to remember him too.
photo (and video) of the day: gregg godfrey
Jeremy Rawle and Gregg Godfrey came by the office the other day to show me some of the Nitro Circus 3D movie and it looks awesome. Before leaving we made a picture with The Emperor Jeff Tremaine's director chair. My favorite thing about the pic is not the "F-Jeff" sticker, but the look on Gre...
Thought that was Joe Frantz on the left for a second haha
photo (and video) of the day: gregg godfrey
Jeremy Rawle and Gregg Godfrey came by the office the other day to show me some of the Nitro Circus 3D movie and it looks awesome. Before leaving we made a picture with The Emperor Jeff Tremaine's director chair. My favorite thing about the pic is not the "F-Jeff" sticker, but the look on Gre...
Watching jackass, cky and viva la bam has not been the same ever since Ryan Dunn's death. I'm still in disbelief, growing up watching you guys for all these years I, and I'm sure so many others felt as though we actually lost a close friend. All you guys seem to have lived life to the full and were lucky enough to make a living having a laugh and hanging with your friends doing all that crazy stuff. Not very many people get to do that and I thank Ryan Dunn and the rest of you guys for bringing us so much joy watching you mess with each other.
I will never forget Dunn jumping into the shit tank, and sticking the 'car toy' up his ass. RIP Ryan Dunn.
today in the city of angels...
...Ryan Dunn's birthday* is being remembered in the manner of one of his favorite pastimes: an afternoon game of softball among friends**. The tournament teams have been sorted, the commemorative jerseys have been printed, and if Johnny Knoxville is the pitcher then it's safe to assume Jeff Tr...
I have a genuine question to ask and don't intend to come across as a complete dick or anything, but how much longer is this show going to be on the air?
tonight on ridiculousness... jason ellis!
First off, I'm no fashion folly, but I am all-fucking-about Jason Ellis's jacket. Actually, it's not even really the jacket, but the Danzig print. MOTHER! Sorry, bit of a Tourette's problem for me whenever I see or hear Danzig's name—and believe me, I can never see or hear Danzig's name enough. ...
I was just thinking the same thing about hair bands, it's gotta be true!
Also, whenever I hear of, or see anything to do with Turbonegro I can't help but instantly hear 'All my friends are dead' and think of The Gauntlet. What a scene.
big brother shat black ass scratch: turbonegro
It all began in 1995 with Issue 18 of Big Brother, when Marc McKee came up with the ingenious idea to review the 8 x 10 press kit photos that accompanied the promotional CDs sent to the magazine. So, instead of wasting time listening to potentially crappy music, you simply took one look at the...
Just noticed the little text under the picture on the right
'pull down with two hands' haha
have you seen her?
Did you ever have one of those days when you wake up in the morning expecting the same ol' routine, but then get dramatically T-boned into a whole other random direction? Well, that was my yesterday; hence the lack of a daily dose of Thursday Dick from the House that truly does care. So for toda...
Should have put the video above the text, I can't stop looking at jeff's sleeve after reading that. But very much enjoying the 'JT gun show' of course.
That was no accident, Jeff knew what he was going. Trying to get us all riled up!
raiders of the archives, featuring jeff tremaine, pt. 2
It's another yip-jump down memory lane, as Jeff Tremaine flips through his archive of Big Brother skateboard magazines for Skateboarder Magazine. Yeah, I know, back in the day this would've been a real "What the what?!" but nowadays the whole skate world is much more "Jah Irie" about the politic...
'Our third issue should be the tenth anniversary' - of course it should haha looking forward to the next 2 parts of this.
I was never fortunate enough to get my hands on a Big Brother Magazine (I'm guessing they weren't sold in the UK?) but I'd sure as hell would love to have at least one issue in my possession. (yeah I looked on ebay and there are none!)
Get in touch dickhouse, my birthday is coming up...
raiders of the archives, featuring jeff tremaine, pt. 1
For all you regulars around here—many of whom I believe are hold-outs, stalwarts, and hippies from ye olde days—perhaps you will recall our former "My Awesome Crap" series, where we went behind the hoarding scenes to see what our friends have all held onto over the years. Well, ...
gotta love sarcasm...
i hope i didn't make you morbidly sad...
...but I totally missed out on celebrating World Goth Day. Rest assured, it's not for lack of awareness. No, not by a long, dark—so dark—shot. I may wear colorful clothing on the outside (when and if I absolutely have to wear clothing), but you can trust me when I say I've always felt black on t...
After all the articles I've read on this site, the writing never ceases to amaze me, it has got to be some of, if not the best writing on the web!
Also.. is it possible for Johnny Knoxville to ever not look cool?
i hope i didn't make you morbidly sad...
...but I totally missed out on celebrating World Goth Day. Rest assured, it's not for lack of awareness. No, not by a long, dark—so dark—shot. I may wear colorful clothing on the outside (when and if I absolutely have to wear clothing), but you can trust me when I say I've always felt black on t...
Don't know what was worse for Rampage Jackson, losing to Jon Jones or appearing on this show...
Probably the show.
tonight on ridiculousness... rampage jackson!
Under the wire and through the woods? Not to worry, I'll come to your promotional rescue. Tonight, like nearly now, an all-new episode of Ridiculousness with Rob Dyrdek hits the MTV harder than a UFC go 'round with special guest Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. Diddle your epiglottis on this and then ...
Since my exams are coming thick and fast like a load of Dave England's shit, or a load of horse cum destined for Chris Pontius' insides, I am depending on to keep me sane and give me the much needed daily uplifts to keep me going.
And, aside from the odd Rob Dyrdek posts, it is doing just that! These are the kind of posts we want, keep them coming.
weeman v. weeing men
The other day while doing some birthday research on Wee Man, I stumbled upon this: the Weeman (if you list to the dumb/tough side, try this on for mental size: Fascinating, no? A potty training device that helps a toddler to pee just like dad! Fortunately, I grew up in ...
Happy Birthday Wee Man!!
¡feliz cumpleaños, hombre pequeño!
Why so Spanish today? Just a little something extra foreign to celebrate Wee Man's half-German heritage and Italian birth. If my math doesn't fail me (which it did almost do in high school), Wee Man is a spritely 39-years-old today. Numerologically speaking, the number 39 is significant for th...
Just as the posts were getting back to their best... yet another Rob Dyrdek inspired dip in form. Come on dickhouse.
The three high points of this post was the mention of Ryan Dunn, Jeff Tremaine and Johnny Knoxville.
I agree completely with the first comment. Rob is a fuckface and he is not funny. The photo of Tremaine with his gay socks was better than this post and all those other ones of the like put together. And there you have it, Jeff Tremaine's socks are funnier than Rob Dyrdek and his show. Please, no more!!
ridiculousness season 1 now on DVD and VOD
Whether you gotta have it in hand or you just gotta see it right f'ing now, consider your instant gratification serviced in full. Rob Dyrdek's Ridiculousness is now available on DVD (for those of you with a love of all things hard—so hard) and VOD (for those of you love the streams but still k...
Wow. One of the best images I've ever seen on the interweb. Great shot Johnny!
Can't help but laugh whenever I see Jeff. And always smile whenever I see Dunn, still hard to believe he's not around anymore.
my hero
Here's a pic I snapped of The Emperor as he sat in his color-coordinated shirt and socks in my office today. It's not exactly in focus, but you can still make out those award-winning blue eyes of his. Directly behind Jeff is a painting Sarah Green gave me of Ryan Dunn, and standing in the door...
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