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Allison Hasel
Northern California
Interests: blogs, magazines, diy, reading, books, graphic design, weddings, pop culture, interior design, celebrity gossip, exploring new cities
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Allison Hasel is now following Sarah
Jul 21, 2014
Beautiful post! It is so interesting how strong smell is tied to our memories.
Toggle Commented Jul 21, 2014 on Charmed, I'm sure. at Note to Self
1 reply
I really loved both of your holiday cards – for the studio and personal – so creative and well-designed! I was also sending out cards days before the holiday. Next year I am vowing to have it designed before Thanksgiving and sent out shortly after. (I vowed this last year as well. :D )
Unbelievable - those are incredible! I have to add: I haven't commented before, but I could favorite and pin nearly all of your posts. Your blog is wonderful! :) Keep up the fab work!
Toggle Commented Oct 3, 2011 on george chamoun at Note to Self
1 reply
1: Solid asymmetrical ruched bandeau tank in island aqua. 2: Solid ruched femme tank in dark cypress. 3: Solid ruched bandeau tank in bright dahlia. 4: Solid ruched and knotted twist-front tank in charcol gray. 5: Jersey Lomellina® ruffle tank in black. All images from J.Crew. In the last few years, a long-awaited trend has erupted – fashionable one-piece swimsuits. Finally! One can look stylish and sexy without feeling self-conscious while having fun on the beach or at the pool. In the last year or so, chic vintage-inspired swimmear has become much more affordable as well. J.Crew and Victoria's Secret... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at Hasel Loves
N and I love movies. We are complete opposites in so many other ways, but really enjoy spending a Saturday evening out at the movies or curled up at home watching one on HBO. A couple of weeks ago, we watched Pirate Radio for the first time. Oh man! What a great movie! It must have been the 60s soundtrack combined with the rebel storyline, but we loved this movie. If you love rock 'n' roll and haven't seen Pirate Radio yet, add it to your Netflix queue pronto! Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2011 at Hasel Loves
A month or so ago, I volunteered to lead the book club for the Officer’s Spouse Club (OSC) at our base. I thought, “Hey, I’m an English minor, I can do this!” Only two bases into my husband’s Air Force career and I’m volunteering for something I had no idea would be so painful. Brilliant! So here I am, leader of the book club, perplexed: How do you organize a book club? How do I get people interested in the book club? How do you chose the book? Etc. Etc. Literally days after I got the list of the first... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2011 at Hasel Loves
My book club, previously blogged about here and here, is well under way. Our book club “season” typically runs from September–May with a long break for the holidays. Unfortunately due to lack of interest and members moving, the second book club stopped meeting shortly after reading Eat Pray Love. Fortunately that didn’t keep me from reading some of the books we had planned to get through. Either way, I read some great (and not-so-great) books in late 2010/early 2011 and have some others planned for this year. Here is my updated report card, this time complete with actual grades! 1.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2011 at Hasel Loves
Allison Hasel is now following Joy
Oct 26, 2010
I was thrilled when she asked to use the photo. Jordan is one of my favorite bloggers and I loved their cake series! :) Don't know if you remember me, but we went to the same high school! You swam with some of my best friends. Small world, right?
Toggle Commented Oct 22, 2010 on The Commission Project at HaselBride
1 reply
Paul and Jordan Ferney recently announced their latest creative endeavor: The Commission Project. Based on the idea that most people can't afford to spend a lot of money on a custom painting, Paul is offering 100 custom 5x7 paintings for... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2010 at HaselBride
Love it! My best friend and I always took photobooth pics together when we were little. I think I am going to have them framed together. Great idea to do it on a regular basis. I have to ask, where in Little Italy did you take these? We come to San Diego occasionally to get away from Las Vegas (where we are stationed) and I am always on the lookout for photobooths. (I look on I have never taking a photo booth pic with my husband! Travesty, I know!? ;) Whenever we got to Palm Springs, the one at Ace Hotel is always busted. Would love to know where this is, so I could stop by the next time we're in California. Thanks!
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2010 on 100% worth $4. at enJOY it by Elise Blaha Cripe
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Allison Hasel is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Allison Hasel is now following Snippet & Ink
Jan 12, 2010
Allison Hasel is now following idoityourself
Jan 12, 2010
Allison Hasel is now following JunebugWeddings
Jan 12, 2010
Allison Hasel is now following TheUnbride
Jan 12, 2010
Allison Hasel is now following B-List admin
Jan 5, 2010
I loved my wedding shoes. {The Nine West Jojus in apple green.} It seems other brides-to-be do, too–I've had half a dozen inquires about where to find them or to see if I still the extras I purchased for sale.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2009 at HaselBride
Love it – 12 people. I bet their reception was a blast. Thanks for the sweet comment!
Toggle Commented Nov 17, 2009 on The Secret Is Out at HaselBride
1 reply
I am back! Hopefully for good this time. :) Four is a great number, but would never have happened for us. Haha. Can't wait to see how things progress with your wedding plans! :)
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2009 on The Secret Is Out at HaselBride
1 reply
From our wedding recaps, some of you might have noticed my dirty little secret: I had nine bridesmaids. When we first got engaged, I thought six sounded like a good number, but after doing the math (two sisters–Nick's and mine... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2009 at HaselBride
Congratulations on four years! Oh Joy! is and always has been a fabulous source for inspiration! Allison haselbride at gmail dot com 1. My husband who willing goes along on adventures to IKEA, designer tag sales, architectural tours, etc. 2. My family who travels all over the country to visit us. 3. Tomatoes! 4. The smell of a new magazine.
Allison Hasel has shared their blog HaselBride
Oct 6, 2009
Allison Hasel is now following Ali Edwards
Oct 6, 2009