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Donna Gratehouse
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Great post, Bob. Anti-choicers are for sure double high authoritarians. The idea of women being independent beings able to refuse a man's "seed" makes them boil with anger.
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Excellent point that the entire Dem caucus is "irrelevant" while a 3 Republicans are momentous. Also: "Secondly, Democrats, but particularly the so-called "independents" (they are in fact "leaners") living in these "safe" GOP voter registration edge districts tend not to turn out to vote in the same percentages as GOP voters. Many of these voters are apathetic and believe their vote simply does not matter, so why bother? Well it does matter, particularly in statewide races. If enough apathetic Democrats, independents and "moderate" Republicans in these "safe" GOP voter registration edge districts stopped feeling sorry for themselves and voted for the sane candidate, some of these "safe" districts would suddenly be competitive and elect more Democrats." I'm making it a mission to disabuse people of the notion that races are won in the primaries. *Some* races are won in them. Races in one-party dominant districts where the opposing party often doesn't bother fielding a candidate are won in primaries. All others - competitive districts and statewides - are won in the GENERAL election. Republicans know this, which is why you have guys like Orr occasionally voting like a decent human being and then running to MSNBC to crow about it. The idea that "moderate" Republicans are voting for right wing crap because they're afraid of primaries is a story they peddled to enough credulous nitwits in the media to make it conventional wisdom. And it is contributing to the apathy of Dems and Dem-leaning independents.
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Did you miss the part where I said "plenty of non-conservative people" also share right wing views on female sexuality "to the delight of sexual predators everywhere"? Try some reading comprehension, troll.
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The "rational expectations" of your "framework" are inevitably that the rich get richer and the poor starve. The neat thing for you is that you get to say they deserved it due to their "immoral lifestyles".
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2014 on The Thing About Thucky at Blog For Arizona
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"Anyhow, I've been having this ongoing debate with ole Thuckarooskie about the effect of tax policy on tax revenue, and I've realized that Thucky doesn't really grasp fundamental concepts" I like Thucka-P.Diddy
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2014 on The Thing About Thucky at Blog For Arizona
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My thing is that if Laffer were right about lower taxes leading to more tax revenue that conservatives should be clamoring for tax increases, because wouldn't that hasten the arrival of the glorious bathtub drowning?
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2014 on The Thing About Thucky at Blog For Arizona
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Didn't you coin the term Kochtopus?
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I hear he also has what plants crave.
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I would have paid to see the look on her face on election night 2012 when her beloved Jerry Lewis lost to Ableser and Prop 121 went down in flames.
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If Ethan Orr is such a great guy, why is he trying to suppress voters? Is he afraid he can't win if everyone who is eligible votes?
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Additionally, at least Dems who take oil money can argue that they need it to win elections. Not saying it's right but at least there's some truth to it. It's not that hard to not sign a Center for Arizona Policy pledge.
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I can certainly see other things that would/should be a bright red line for Democrats. Climate change denial, for example. I just think the pro-choicers have made the case (or you could say that the anti-choicers have made it obvious) that the attacks on women's basic bodily rights have gotten so vicious and so personal that it is impossible to deny that the anti-choice movement is based on anything other than misogyny and control. Also, when think about every kind of environmental, economic, and social injustice taking place right now, there are none that will not be made exponentially worse by adding millions of unplanned babies to them.
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Lupe Contreras and Lydia Hernandez.
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I like Art Hamilton too but if he were still in the lege and signed CENTER FOR ARIZONA POLICY pledge against Roe v Wade I'd say primary him too.
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Yes, we do have that correct. Babies who are born need support. Sometimes their parents can't provide all of that for them. Thucydides considers that to be terrible "welfare" and opposes it. Which means he wants babies to suffer, post-birth. And you apparently support him on that. Which makes you a sadist too. So sod off.
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Okay, I'll be thoughtful. I'm thinking of a word right now. A word for people like you, who want every pregnancy carried to term but oppose all public assistance to the babies after they're born. The word is sadist. I don't have any use for sadists, so bugger off.
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"Be embarrassed, be troubled, cry." Don't tell me what to do, troll.
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"those nasty teachers unions are blocking these wonderful models that could turn all of our kids into achievers" Yeah, the assumption is that teachers could easily have excellent schools under any conditions and simply choose not to. For what possible reason?
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Jim, Democrats in Arizona, according to the latest DailyKos Public Policy Polling Survey, are going for Goddard 85 to 11%. Democratic voters favor Jan Brewer at 16%, compared to 76% unfavorable. Her opinion among self-described moderates is 32% favorable to 60% unfavorable. She may well win, but it won't be because she won over Democrats of either gender. She'll win because of a large bloc of conservatives and because they've bamboozled enough moderates and independents to support her. If she were putting her social conservative and rah rah everyone-should-be-able-to-carry-a-gun-absolutely-anywhere views at the forefront, she'd be looking at Len Munsil 2.0 numbers. But no, her handlers have her running as a moderate. And it's working. Democrats, send out an ad informing women voters of how Brewer signed bills allowing guns in bars and concealed carry without a permit.
Toggle Commented Oct 26, 2010 on Another shot to the foot at Rogue Columnist
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Ugh, I hate this "when we control for race, poverty, parents' education, etc." nonsense anyway. If the poor minority kids in your state aren't doing well then you are failing, no matter how well the kids with the advantages are doing.
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How many years did Carolyn Warner have in the classroom? Oh yeah, none. Yet I don't hear Democrats complaining that it made her a less effective Superintendent. Odd, that. BTW, full disclosure that I'm a Jason supporter.
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Sarah beat me to it.
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I believe the $265 figure includes the $25 extra paid by the fed'l govt't as part of the stimulus package. AZDES still shows $240 as the maximum benefit.
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Shock Doctrine rhetoric. They have to blow the schools up in order to save them.
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