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leeds, UK
Recent Activity
what is going on with the hair?
i think the canal post may have been diana? i remember her posting some pics of the river aire and the calls.
my first post was during a themed pic spam, i think it might have been the hoodie one?
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Hayley added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 27, 2010
can someone do me a favour. BTD linked to a vid...
can someone do me a favour. BTD linked to a vid interview of zach on MTV (on facebook) but the link wont show in the UK. is someone able to post the video here so i can view it? xx Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Hayley added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 27, 2010
Good m/a/n ZQC and happy birthday xxx
Good m/a/n ZQC and happy birthday xxx Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
thanks you
and @ diana, ive just found him LOL. is it me or does he look sllightly like david walliams?
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fab background.
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Hayley added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 23, 2010
wow, do you own all those ipods, tvs and dvd players? i swear if i didnt have the boyfriend i do all i would have is a TV mp3 and dvd player. as it is we've got loads of tech things but there all his.
QUESTION TIME! Tech ques. 1. How many techno...
QUESTION TIME! Tech ques. 1. How many techno things do you have? In my house: two iMacs, one MacBook, one 13 inch MacBook Pro, two 17 inch MacBook Pros, three iPod Touches, three iPod Shuffles (original), two iPod Nanos (without camera), one really old iPod Classic, one Wii, two Nintendo 64s, one...
Hayley added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 23, 2010
diana thats awful. there are some proper scummy effers in this world. i believe in karma though, he will get payback. im surprised the police were so rubbish Wyorks police are usually quite good and im sorry they didnt find your camera
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thanks for your bday messages. ive had a fab day...
thanks for your bday messages. ive had a fab day not being at work and visiting a manor house and farm then for a strawberry beer in the sunshine. Out tomorrow for a few more beers in chapel allerton, yay. Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Hayley added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Jul 23, 2010
i love the picture
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wow biggest discussion i ever saw on hair LOL!. i...
wow biggest discussion i ever saw on hair LOL!. i think it looks great. How are you all? big hugs. i've been busy wedding planning and decorating. x Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
are they actual rugby players or just random scottish people?
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great pic, you may have answered this already (so sorry) but what is the significance of the date? x
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thanks for the mini pic spam diana, keeping...
thanks for the mini pic spam diana, keeping everyone alert! Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
great view, what building is it?
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Hayley added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 28, 2010
@ dobby, sorry to hear you're having a rough time let us know if theres anyhing we can do to cheer you up x
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice...
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice break on the shores of loch lomond. Whats been happening? x
i didnt even know balloch had a castle, but the maid of the loch is now moored in balloch and its a coffee shop
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice...
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice break on the shores of loch lomond. Whats been happening? x
very random. i'd say a few, he's quite stylish, not like my boy/f who has one pair for work and one for not work, LOL.
if anyone knows how many shoes zq has, please do...
if anyone knows how many shoes zq has, please do tell. thank you.
excellent, i cant wait to see the finished product. Loch Lomond was gorgeous, eating breakfast in the sun over looking the loch was so peaceful. x
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice...
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice break on the shores of loch lomond. Whats been happening? x
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice...
hello lovely people, just got back from a nice break on the shores of loch lomond. Whats been happening? x Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
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