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Muthahood Aint For Sissies
Recent Activity
Hi Justin...
Thanks for stopping by and putting in your input. The only thing I have to say is that you actually just don't understand. I know you are just about to graduate High School, found you on FB, and you have no idea what it is like to be a young girl and having to be scrutinized by the world. It's not about living the dream, it's about self acceptance.
Goodbye Barbie!
My gorgeous dark hair, dark skinned, five year old Guatemalan born daughter just told me that she wanted hair like Barbie and that "Barbie is more beautiful than she is." My heart sank. We work so hard, EVERYDAY, to tell our daughters that they are beautiful, smart and strong. We tell them ev...
HeadMutha is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
It's crazy how stupid they can be!! I know I'll be posting more!
Boys are Stupid
The other day Zman screamed from upstairs, "Mom, we need your help and hurry!" I ran upstairs and saw this. Yes, this is Funny Man I with his head in the Dora oven. His head was stuck in between two shelves. It was difficult not to break out in laughter. Okay, I laughed out loud even when he star...
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